Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)

                  QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarter ended   March 31, 2005           Commission file number 1-5467

                                  VALHI, INC.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                             87-0110150
(State or other jurisdiction of                               (IRS Employer
 incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.)

            5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1700, Dallas, Texas  75240-2697
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            (Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:             (972) 233-1700

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  Registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). Yes X No

Number of shares of the Registrant's common stock outstanding on April 29, 2005:

Explanatory Note Regarding Amendment No. 1

     The Registrant  hereby files this Report on Form 10-Q/A ("Form  10-Q/A") to
amend its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2005, as
filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  on May 10,  2005
("Original  Form 10-Q").  As discussed in Note 1 to the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements,  on  December  21,  2005,  the  Registrant  and its audit  committee
concluded  that the  Registrant  would  file this Form  10-Q/A  to  restate  the
Registrant's  consolidated  balance  sheet as of December 31, 2004 and March 31,
2005,  and the  Registrant's  consolidated  statements of income,  comprehensive
income, cash flows and stockholders'  equity for the interim periods ended March
31, 2004 and 2005, in each case as contained in the Original Form 10-Q.

     As previously disclosed, in January 1997 the Registrant transferred control
of the  refined  sugar  operations  previously  conducted  by  the  Registrant's
wholly-owned  subsidiary,  The Amalgamated  Sugar Company,  to Snake River Sugar
Company, an Oregon agricultural  cooperative formed by certain sugarbeet growers
in Amalgamated's areas of operations.  Pursuant to the transaction,  Amalgamated
contributed substantially all of its net assets to the Amalgamated Sugar Company
LLC, a limited  liability  company  controlled by Snake River, on a tax-deferred
basis in exchange for a non-voting ownership interest in the LLC. The cost basis
of the net assets  transferred by Amalgamated to the LLC was  approximately  $34
million.  As part of such  transaction,  Snake River made  certain  loans to the
Registrant   aggregating   $250  million.   Such  loans  from  Snake  River  are
collateralized by the Registrant's interest in the LLC. Snake River's sources of
funds  for its  loans  to the  Registrant,  as well  as for the $14  million  it
contributed to the LLC for its voting interest in the LLC, included cash capital
contributions  by the  grower  members of Snake  River and $180  million in debt
financing  provided by the  Registrant,  of which $100 million was  subsequently
repaid in 1997 when Snake River  obtained an equal  amount of  third-party  term
loan  financing.  After such  repayments,  $80 million  principal  amount of the
Registrant's loans to Snake River have remained  outstanding since June 30, 1997
through March 31, 2005.

     The Registrant and Snake River share in distributions from the LLC up to an
aggregate of $26.7 million per year (the "base" level),  with a preferential 95%
share going to the Registrant.  To the extent the LLC's  distributions are below
this base level in any given year,  the  Registrant is entitled to an additional
95% preferential  share of any future annual LLC  distributions in excess of the
base level until such  shortfall is  recovered.  Under certain  conditions,  the
Registrant is entitled to receive  additional cash  distributions  from the LLC.
The Registrant  may, at its option,  require the LLC to redeem the  Registrant's
interest in the LLC  beginning in 2012,  and the LLC has the right to redeem the
Registrant's  interest in the LLC  beginning in 2027.  The  redemption  price is
generally $250 million plus the amount of certain undistributed income allocable
to the  Registrant.  In the event the Registrant  requires the LLC to redeem the
Registrant's  interest in the LLC,  Snake River has the right to accelerate  the
maturity of and call Registrant's $250 million loans from Snake River.

     The  Registrant  reports the cash  distributions  received  from the LLC as
dividend  income.  The amount of such future  distributions  is dependent  upon,
among other things, the future performance of the LLC's operations.  Because the
Registrant receives preferential distributions from the LLC and has the right to
require the LLC to redeem its  interest in the LLC for a fixed and  determinable
amount beginning at a fixed and determinable  date, the Registrant  accounts for
its investment in the LLC as a debt security at its estimated fair value.

     In 1997 when the Company  obtained its interest in the LLC, the  Registrant
concluded that the earnings process with respect to the refined sugar operations
contributed  by the  Registrant  to the LLC was not complete.  Accordingly,  the
Registrant did not recognize any gain in earnings.  The Registrant did treat its
investment in the LLC as equivalent to a SFAS No. 115 debt  security.  Thus, the
excess of the fair value of the Registrant's  investment in the LLC over the $34
million cost basis of such  investment  was  recognized  as a component of other
comprehensive income, net of applicable deferred income taxes. In estimating the
fair value of the Registrant's  interest in the LLC, the Registrant  considered,
among other things,  the outstanding  balance of the Registrant's loans to Snake
River and the outstanding  balance of the  Registrant's  loans from Snake River,
with the result that the estimated fair value of the Registrant's LLC investment
was deemed to be $170 million ever since June 30, 1997.  Under this  accounting,
the  Registrant  would have reported a gain in earnings for financial  reporting
purposes  at the  time  its LLC  interest  was  redeemed,  with a  corresponding
reduction in accumulated other income.

     In connection with finalizing the preparation of the Company's consolidated
financial  statements  for the quarter ended  September 30, 2005, the Registrant
re-evaluated  its  original  conclusions  regarding  how  it  accounts  for  its
investment in the LLC. As a result,  the  Registrant  has now  concluded  that a
proper  application of accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United
States of America  ("GAAP")  would have been to  recognize a gain in earnings in
1997  equal to the  difference  between  $250  million  (the  fair  value of the
Registrant's  interest  in the LLC) and the $34  million  cost  basis of the net
assets  contributed to the LLC, net of applicable  deferred  income taxes.  This
correction  constitutes a prior period adjustment under GAAP.  Accordingly,  the
Registrant has retroactively  restated its consolidated  financial statements to
reflect this correction. The effect of this correction on the Registrant's March
31, 2005  consolidated  balance sheet, as contained  herein, as compared to such
consolidated  balance  sheet  contained  in the  Original  Form 10-Q,  is to (i)
increase the carrying value of the Registrant's  investment in the LLC (included
as part of  noncurrent  marketable  securities)  by $80 million,  (ii)  increase
noncurrent  deferred  income tax liabilities by $31.2 million and (iii) increase
total  stockholders'  equity by $48.8 million (with retained earnings increasing
by  $131.7  million  and  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income  related  to
marketable  securities  decreasing by $82.9  million).  A similar  balance sheet
adjustment would be applicable to Registrant's  previously-reported consolidated
balance sheet at December 31, 2004 contained in the Original Form 10-Q, and each
consolidated balance sheet prior thereto until June 30, 1997. Under this revised
accounting,  the Company  would not be expected to report a gain in earnings for
financial  reporting  purposes at the time its LLC interest is redeemed,  as the
redemption  price of $250 million is expected to equal the carrying value of its
investment in the LLC at the time of redemption.

     As previously disclosed,  prior to December 2003 Kronos Worldwide, Inc. was
a wholly-owned subsidiary of NL Industries, Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of
the Registrant. In December 2003, NL completed the distribution of approximately
48.8% of Kronos' common stock on a pro-rata basis to its shareholders, including
Valhi, and during 2004 NL paid each of its four $.20 per share regular quarterly
dividends in the form of shares of Kronos common stock. In its previously-issued
consolidated  financial  statements,  the Registrant  accounted for its pro-rata
share of any current  income tax resulting  from the  distribution  of shares of
Kronos  common  stock to NL's  stockholders  as a direct  charge to  equity.  In
addition, the Registrant has never recognized deferred income taxes with respect
to the excess of the GAAP book basis of its investment in Kronos over the income
tax basis of such shares. The Registrant has now concluded,  among other things,
that (i) a portion of the current income taxes  resulting from the  distribution
of shares of Kronos common stock to NL's shareholders  should be included in the
Registrant's  provision for income taxes  included in the  determination  of net
income and (ii) the  Registrant  should have  commenced  to  recognize  deferred
income taxes with respect to the excess of the GAAP book basis of its investment
in Kronos  over the income tax basis of such shares  starting in December  2003,
concurrent with NL's December 2003 distribution of 48.8% of Kronos' common stock
(the  first  time in which the  Registrant  owned  shares  of Kronos  directly),
including  recognition of such deferred  income taxes with respect to the excess
of the GAAP book basis of its  investment in Kronos over the income tax basis of
such shares that existed as of the date of such December 2003 distribution.

     Accordingly,  during the Registrant's  close process for its fiscal quarter
ended September 30, 2005, the Registrant concluded that:

     o    its provision for income taxes included in the determination of income
          from  continuing  operations  was  misstated  by an  aggregate of $2.6
          million  ($.02 per diluted  share,  net of minority  interest)  in the
          first quarter of 2004 and by $5.0 million ($5.2  million,  or $.04 per
          diluted share, net of minority interest) in the first quarter of 2005;
     o    its provision for deferred income taxes included in the  determination
          of total  other  comprehensive  income  related  to  foreign  currency
          translation and pension  liabilities,  net of minority  interest,  was
          misstated by an aggregate of $371,000 in the first quarter of 2004 and
          by $84,000 in the first quarter of 2005;
     o    its provision for income taxes accounted for as a direct  reduction to
          stockholders'  equity,  net of minority  interest,  was  misstated  by
          $553,000  in the first  quarter  of 2005;  and
     o    with respect to its statement of changes in stockholders'  equity, and
          in  addition  to  the  effect  of  the  items   noted   above,   total
          stockholders'  equity was  misstated by $121.9  million as of December
          31, 2004,

in each case as they related to the  appropriate  provision for income taxes and
related items which should have been  recognized in accordance  with  accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States of America  ("GAAP")  as
provided  by  the  guidance  contained  in  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes,  principally with respect to the
following items:
     o    Deferred  income  taxes  with  respect to the income tax effect of the
          excess  of the GAAP  book  basis  over  the  income  tax  basis of the
          Registrant's  investment in Kronos  Worldwide,  Inc., a majority-owned
          subsidiary of the Registrant;
     o    Current  income  taxes  related to  distributions  of shares of Kronos
          common  stock  made  by  NL   Industries,   Inc.,   the   Registrant's
          majority-owned subsidiary, to NL's stockholders; and
     o    Current and deferred income tax provisions related to other items.

     This  amendment was required to correct for the  aggregate  effect of these
misstatements. See Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a summary
of financial statement amounts that are affected by this restatement.  While the
effect   of   these    misstatements   have   no   effect   on   the   Company's
previously-reported  total cash flows from  operating,  investing  and financing
activities,  these  misstatements do have a significant  effect on the Company's
provision for income taxes,  related income tax accounts  (principally  deferred
income taxes) and stockholders' equity.

     The guidance set forth in Auditing  Standards  No. 2 of the Public  Company
Accounting  Oversight  Board  states  that a  restatement  of  previously-issued
financial  statements  to reflect the  correction  of a  misstatement  should be
regarded as at least a significant  control deficiency and as a strong indicator
that a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting exists. As
a result  of this  amendment,  the  Registrant  has  concluded  that a  material
weakness  existed at December  31, 2004 and March 31,  2005 that  precludes  the
Registrant from concluding  that its internal  control over financial  reporting
was effective as of such dates. Therefore,  the Registrant's previous conclusion
that it maintained  effective  internal  control over financial  reporting as of
March 31, 2005, as set forth in the Original Form 10-Q, has been  restated.  See
Item 4 - "Controls and Procedures."

     For the convenience of the reader, this Form 10-Q/A sets forth the Original
Form 10-Q, as amended hereby,  in its entirety.  However,  this Form 10-Q/A only
amends and  restates  Items 1, 2 and 4 of the Original  Form 10-Q,  in each case
solely as a result of and to reflect the  corrections  discussed  above,  and no
other  information  in the Original Form 10-Q is amended  hereby.  The foregoing
items have not been updated to reflect other events  occurring  after the filing
of the Original Form 10-Q, or to modify or update those disclosures  affected by
other subsequent events. In addition, pursuant to the rules of the SEC, Exhibits
31.1, 31.2 and 32.1 have been updated to contain currently-dated  certifications
of the Registrant's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

                           VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES




  Item 1.        Financial Statements.

                 Consolidated Balance Sheets -
                  December 31, 2004 (Restated);
                  March 31, 2005 (Restated and Unaudited)                   3

                 Consolidated Statements of Income -
                  Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005
                  (Restated and Unaudited)                                  5

                 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income -
                  Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005
                   (Restated and Unaudited)                                 6

                 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
                  Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005
                   (Restated and Unaudited)                                 7

                 Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity -
                  Three months ended March 31, 2005
                  (Restated and Unaudited)                                  9

                 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)    10

  Item 2.        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                  Condition and Results of Operations.                     26

  Item 4.        Controls and Procedures                                   46


  Item 1.        Legal Proceedings.                                        48

  Item 2.        Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and
                  Use of Proceeds; Share Repurchases                       48

  Item 6.        Exhibits.                                                 48

                                            VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                   (In thousands)

               ASSETS                                                          December 31,         March 31,
                                                                                    2004               2005
                                                                                (Restated)          (Restated)

 Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                      $  267,829          $  247,601
   Restricted cash equivalents                                                         9,609               6,343
   Marketable securities                                                               9,446              12,873
   Accounts and other receivables                                                    217,931             241,113
   Refundable income taxes                                                             3,330               1,343
   Receivable from affiliates                                                          5,531               6,190
   Inventories                                                                       263,414             260,998
   Prepaid expenses                                                                   12,342              12,930
   Deferred income taxes                                                               9,705               9,311
                                                                                   ---------          ----------
       Total current assets                                                          799,137             798,702
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

 Other assets:
   Marketable securities                                                             256,770             261,982
   Investment in affiliates                                                          189,726             218,538
   Receivable from affiliate                                                          10,000              10,000
   Loans and other receivables                                                       119,452             124,940
   Unrecognized net pension obligations                                               13,518              13,152
   Goodwill                                                                          354,051             349,094
   Other intangible assets                                                             3,189               3,041
   Deferred income taxes                                                             239,521             235,909
   Other                                                                              52,326              54,603
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

       Total other assets                                                          1,238,553           1,271,259
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

 Property and equipment:
   Land                                                                               38,493              40,771
   Buildings                                                                         234,152             225,794
   Equipment                                                                         894,023             838,944
   Mining properties                                                                  20,277              18,318
   Construction in progress                                                           21,557              26,354
                                                                                   ---------          ----------
                                                                                   1,208,502           1,150,181
   Less accumulated depreciation                                                     555,707             535,284
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

       Net property and equipment                                                    652,795             614,897
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

                                                                                  $2,690,485          $2,684,858
                                                                                  ==========          ==========

                                            VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                       CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (CONTINUED)

                                                   (In thousands)

    LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                       December 31,         March 31,
                                                                                    2004               2005
                                                                                  (Restated)        (Restated)

 Current liabilities:
   Current maturities of long-term debt                                           $   14,412          $   13,701
   Accounts payable                                                                  109,158              95,896
   Accrued liabilities                                                               131,119             140,040
   Payable to affiliates                                                              11,607              12,800
   Income taxes                                                                       21,196              20,785
   Deferred income taxes                                                              24,170              26,330
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

       Total current liabilities                                                     311,662             309,552
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

 Noncurrent liabilities:
   Long-term debt                                                                    769,525             743,252
   Accrued pension costs                                                              77,360              72,690
   Accrued OPEB costs                                                                 34,988              34,045
   Accrued environmental costs                                                        55,450              52,968
   Deferred income taxes                                                             386,054             393,845
   Other                                                                              41,061              39,459
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

       Total noncurrent liabilities                                                1,364,438           1,336,259
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

 Minority interest                                                                   139,710             151,633
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

 Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock                                                                        1,242               1,242
   Additional paid-in capital                                                        110,978             111,530
   Retained earnings                                                                 812,484             824,850
   Accumulated other comprehensive income:
     Marketable securities                                                             5,449               5,281
     Currency translation                                                             36,380              36,369
     Pension liabilities                                                             (53,916)            (53,916)
   Treasury stock                                                                    (37,942)            (37,942)
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

       Total stockholders' equity                                                    874,675             887,414
                                                                                   ---------          ----------

                                                                                  $2,690,485          $2,684,858
                                                                                  ==========          ==========

Commitments and contingencies (Notes 11 and 13)

                                            VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                     Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005

                                        (In thousands, except per share data)


                                                                                      2004              2005

 Revenues and other income:
   Net sales                                                                      $307,677          $341,247
   Other, net                                                                        9,701            26,637
                                                                                  --------          --------

                                                                                   317,378           367,884
                                                                                  --------          --------
 Costs and expenses:
   Cost of sales                                                                   243,686           251,982
   Selling, general and administrative                                              52,717            54,431
   Interest                                                                         15,605            17,879
                                                                                  --------          --------

                                                                                   312,008           324,292
                                                                                  --------          --------

                                                                                     5,370            43,592
 Equity in earnings of:
   Titanium Metals Corporation ("TIMET")                                               686            16,801
   Other                                                                               136               112
                                                                                  --------          --------

     Income before income taxes                                                      6,192            60,505

 Provision for income taxes                                                         3,431             29,946

 Minority interest in after-tax earnings                                             1,793             5,497
                                                                                  --------          --------

     Income from continuing operations                                                 968            25,062

 Discontinued operations                                                                 5              (272)
                                                                                  --------          --------

     Net income                                                                   $    973          $ 24,790
                                                                                  ========          ========
 Basic and diluted earnings per share:
   Income from continuing operations                                              $    .01          $    .21
   Discontinued operations                                                            -                 -
                                                                                  --------          --------

     Net income                                                                   $    .01          $    .21
                                                                                  ========          ========

 Cash dividends per share                                                         $    .06          $    .10
                                                                                  ========          ========

 Shares used in the calculation of per share amounts:
   Basic earnings per common share                                                 120,190           120,223
   Dilutive impact of outstanding stock options                                        299               349
                                                                                  --------          --------

   Diluted earnings per share                                                      120,489           120,572
                                                                                  ========          ========

                                     VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES


                              Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005

                                            (In thousands)


                                                                                      2004              2005
                                                                                    (Restated)        (Restated)

 Net income                                                                              $ 973           $24,790
                                                                                        ------           -------

 Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
   Marketable securities adjustment                                                      1,268              (168)

   Currency translation adjustment                                                      (1,961)              (11)

   Pension liabilities adjustment                                                          309              -
                                                                                        ------           -------

     Total other comprehensive income (loss), net                                         (384)             (179)
                                                                                        ------           -------

       Comprehensive income                                                              $ 589           $24,611
                                                                                        ======           =======

                                               VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                        CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                     Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005

                                                   (In thousands)


                                                                                             2004           2005

                                                                                        (Restated)         (Restated)
 Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income                                                                                 $  973        $ 24,790
   Depreciation and amortization                                                              19,606          19,024
   Goodwill impairment                                                                             -             864
   Securities transactions, net                                                                   25         (14,607)
     Interest expense                                                                            654             821
     Defined benefit pension expense                                                           1,048          (1,956)
     Other postretirement benefit expense                                                     (1,146)           (965)
   Deferred income taxes:
     Continuing operations                                                                       537          20,872
     Discontinued operations                                                                       4            (334)
   Minority interest:
     Continuing operations                                                                     1,793           5,497
     Discontinued operations                                                                       2            (205)
   Other, net                                                                                  1,139              46
   Equity in:
     TIMET                                                                                      (686)        (16,801)
     Other                                                                                      (136)           (112)
   Net distributions from (contributions to):
     Manufacturing joint venture                                                               1,800            (850)
     Other                                                                                        52             109
   Change in assets and liabilities:
     Accounts and other receivables                                                          (34,703)        (44,760)
     Inventories                                                                              35,276         (14,278)
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                                (43,283)         12,779
     Accounts with affiliates                                                                 (1,379)            190
     Income taxes                                                                             22,339           7,513
     Other, net                                                                                1,801          (8,144)
                                                                                           ---------       ---------

         Net cash provided (used) by operating activities                                      5,716         (10,507)
                                                                                           ---------       ---------

 Cash flows from investing activities:
   Capital expenditures                                                                       (6,358)        (12,155)
   Purchases of:
     TIMET common stock                                                                         -            (11,450)
     Kronos common stock                                                                     (11,833)              -
     Marketable securities                                                                         -         (12,645)
   Proceeds from disposal of:
     Business unit                                                                                 -          18,094
     Kronos common stock                                                                           -          19,047
     Marketable securities                                                                         -           2,911
   Loans to affiliate:
     Loans                                                                                         -         (11,000)
     Collections                                                                                   -          10,068
   Cash of disposed business unit                                                                  -          (4,006)
   Change in restricted cash equivalents, net                                                  1,687           2,659
   Other, net                                                                                     21            (108)
                                                                                           ---------       ---------

         Net cash provided (used) by investing activities                                    (16,483)          1,415
                                                                                           ---------       ---------

                                      VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES


                                Three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005

                                              (In thousands)


                                                                                      2004              2005
                                                                                   (Restated)        (Restated)

 Cash flows from financing activities:
     Borrowings                                                                       $135,220          $   -
     Principal payments                                                                (79,607)              (82)
     Deferred financing costs paid                                                         (35)              (28)
   Loans from affiliate:
     Loans                                                                              11,348                 -
     Repayments                                                                        (18,680)                -
   Valhi dividends paid                                                                 (7,451)          (12,424)
   Distributions to minority interest                                                     (772)           (1,477)
   Issuance of NL common stock                                                           7,664             2,413
   Issuance of Valhi common stock and other, net                                            34               742
                                                                                      --------         ---------

       Net cash provided (used) by financing activities                                 47,721           (10,856)
                                                                                      --------         ---------

 Cash and cash equivalents - net change from:
   Operating, investing and financing activities                                        36,954           (19,948)
   Currency translation                                                                 (1,265)             (280)
 Cash and equivalents at beginning of period                                           103,394           267,829
                                                                                      --------         ---------

 Cash and equivalents at end of period                                                $139,083          $247,601
                                                                                      ========         =========

 Supplemental disclosures - cash paid (received) for:
   Interest, net of amounts capitalized                                               $  7,493          $  6,224
   Income taxes, net                                                                   (16,414)            6,117

   Noncash investing activity - note receivable
    received upon disposal of business unit                                           $   -             $  4,179
                                                                                      --------         ---------

                          VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES


                        Three months ended March 31, 2005

                                 (In thousands)


                                       Additional                  Accumulated other comprehensive income               Total
                                 Common  paid-in       Retained    Marketable   Currency      Pension   Treasury    stockholders'
                                 stock   capital       earnings    securities  translation  liabilities   stock        equity
                                 -----   -------       --------    ----------  -----------  -----------   -----     -------------
                                        (Restated)    (Restated)   (Restated)  (Restated)    (Restated)              (Restated)

Balance at December 31, 2004:
  Originally reported            $1,242   $85,213      $864,821      $88,367     $45,561    $(57,779)   $(37,942)   $  989,483
    Effect of TIMET's change
     in accounting                    -         -         7,092            -           -           -           -         7,092
    Prior period adjustments        -      25,765       (59,429)     (82,918)     (9,181)      3,863        -         (121,900)
                                 ------   -------      --------     --------   ---------    --------     -------      --------

    Balance, as restated          1,242   110,978       812,484        5,449      36,380     (53,916)    (37,942)      874,675

Net income (restated)                 -         -        24,790            -           -        -              -        24,790

Dividends                             -         -       (12,424)           -           -        -              -       (12,424)

Other comprehensive income
 (loss), net (restated)            -         -             -            (168)        (11)          -        -             (179)

Other, net                         -          552          -            -           -           -           -              552
                                 ------   -------      --------     --------   ---------    --------     -------      --------

Balance at March 31, 2005
                                 $1,242   $111,530      $824,850       $5,281     $36,369    $(53,916)   $(37,942)     $887,414
                                 ======   ========      ========       ======     =======    ========    ========      ========

                                  VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES



Note 1 -       Organization and basis of presentation:


     Effective  January 1, 2005,  TIMET  changed  its method of  accounting  for
approximately 40% of its inventories from the last-in, first-out ("LIFO") method
to the specific identification cost method,  representing all of its inventories
previously  accounted for under the LIFO method.  In accordance  with accounting
principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of America  ("GAAP"),  the
Company has  retroactively  restated its  consolidated  financial  statements to
reflect its financial position, results of operations and cash flows as if TIMET
had  accounted  for  such  inventories  under  the new  method  for all  periods
presented.  As a result, the Company's income from continuing  operations in the
first  quarter of 2004 is  approximately  $200,000,  or nil per  diluted  share,
higher than previously reported,  and the Company's  consolidated  stockholders'
equity as of  December  31,  2004 is  approximately  $7.1  million  higher  than
previously reported.

     On December 21, 2005,  the Company and its audit  committee  concluded that
the  Company  would file this  Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q/A for the quarter
ended March 31, 2005 to restate the Company's  consolidated  balance sheet as of
December 31, 2004 and March 31, 2005, and the Company's consolidated  statements
of income,  comprehensive  income,  cash flows and stockholders'  equity for the
interim periods ended March 31, 2004 and 2005.

     As previously disclosed, in January 1997 the Company transferred control of
the refined sugar operations previously conducted by the Company's  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  The  Amalgamated  Sugar Company,  to Snake River Sugar Company,  an
Oregon   agricultural   cooperative  formed  by  certain  sugarbeet  growers  in
Amalgamated's  areas of  operations.  Pursuant to the  transaction,  Amalgamated
contributed substantially all of its net assets to the Amalgamated Sugar Company
LLC, a limited  liability  company  controlled by Snake River, on a tax-deferred
basis in exchange for a non-voting ownership interest in the LLC. The cost basis
of the net assets  transferred by Amalgamated to the LLC was  approximately  $34
million.  As part of such  transaction,  Snake River made certain loans to Valhi
aggregating $250 million.  Such loans from Snake River are collateralized by the
Company's  interest in the LLC. Snake River's  sources of funds for its loans to
Valhi,  as well as for the $14 million it  contributed to the LLC for its voting
interest in the LLC,  included cash capital  contributions by the grower members
of Snake River and $180 million in debt  financing  provided by Valhi,  of which
$100 million was subsequently  repaid in 1997 when Snake River obtained an equal
amount of third-party term loan financing.  After such  repayments,  $80 million
principal amount of Valhi's loans to Snake River have remained outstanding since
June 30, 1997 through March 31, 2005.

     The Company and Snake  River share in  distributions  from the LLC up to an
aggregate of $26.7 million per year (the "base" level),  with a preferential 95%
share going to the Company. To the extent the LLC's distributions are below this
base level in any given  year,  the Company is  entitled  to an  additional  95%
preferential  share of any future annual LLC distributions in excess of the base
level until such shortfall is recovered.  Under certain conditions,  the Company
is entitled to receive  additional cash  distributions from the LLC. The Company
may, at its option,  require the LLC to redeem the Company's interest in the LLC
beginning in 2012, and the LLC has the right to redeem the Company's interest in
the LLC beginning in 2027. The  redemption  price is generally $250 million plus
the amount of certain  undistributed  income  allocable to the  Company.  In the
event the Company requires the LLC to redeem the Company's  interest in the LLC,
Snake River has the right to  accelerate  the  maturity of and call Valhi's $250
million loans from Snake River.

     The  Company  reports  the  cash  distributions  received  from  the LLC as
dividend  income.  The amount of such future  distributions  is dependent  upon,
among other things, the future performance of the LLC's operations.  Because the
Company receives  preferential  distributions  from the LLC and has the right to
require the LLC to redeem its  interest in the LLC for a fixed and  determinable
amount beginning at a fixed and determinable  date, the Company accounts for its
investment in the LLC as a debt security at its estimated fair value.

     In 1997 when the Company  obtained  its  interest  in the LLC,  the Company
concluded that the earnings process with respect to the refined sugar operations
contributed by the Company to the LLC was not complete. Accordingly, the Company
did not recognize any gain in earnings.  The Company did treat its investment in
the LLC as equivalent to a SFAS No. 115 debt  security.  Thus, the excess of the
fair value of the  Company's  investment  in the LLC over the $34  million  cost
basis of such  investment was  recognized as a component of other  comprehensive
income, net of applicable deferred income taxes. In estimating the fair value of
the Company's interest in the LLC, the Company  considered,  among other things,
the  outstanding  balance  of  the  Company's  loans  to  Snake  River  and  the
outstanding  balance of the  Company's  loans from Snake River,  with the result
that the estimated  fair value of the Company's LLC  investment was deemed to be
$170 million ever since June 30, 1997. Under this accounting,  the Company would
have  reported a gain in earnings for financial  reporting  purposes at the time
its LLC interest was redeemed,  with a  corresponding  reduction in  accumulated
other income.

     In connection with finalizing the preparation of the Company's consolidated
financial  statements  for the quarter  ended  September  30, 2005,  the Company
re-evaluated  its  original  conclusions  regarding  how  it  accounts  for  its
investment in the LLC. As a result,  the Company has now concluded that a proper
application of accounting  principles generally accepted in the United States of
America  ("GAAP")  would have been to recognize a gain in earnings in 1997 equal
to the difference between $250 million (the fair value of the Company's interest
in the LLC) and the $34 million cost basis of the net assets  contributed to the
LLC, net of applicable  deferred  income taxes.  This  correction  constitutes a
prior period adjustment under GAAP.  Accordingly,  the Company has retroactively
restated its consolidated  balance sheet at March 31, 2005, as contained in this
Quarterly Report,  to reflect this correction.  The effect of this correction on
the Company's March 31, 2005  consolidated  balance sheet is to (i) increase the
carrying  value of the  Company's  investment  in the LLC  (included  as part of
noncurrent  marketable  securities)  by $80 million,  (ii)  increase  noncurrent
deferred  income tax  liabilities  by $31.2  million  and (iii)  increase  total
stockholders'  equity by $48.8 million  (with  retained  earnings  increasing by
$131.7 million and accumulated other comprehensive  income related to marketable
securities  decreasing by $82.9  million).  A similar  balance sheet  adjustment
would be applicable to Valhi's previously-reported consolidated balance sheet at
December 31, 2004, and each consolidated  balance sheet prior thereto until June
30, 1997.  Under this revised  accounting,  the Company would not be expected to
report a gain in earnings for financial  reporting  purposes at the time its LLC
interest is  redeemed,  as the  redemption  price of $250 million is expected to
equal the carrying value of its investment in the LLC at the time of redemption.

     As previously disclosed,  prior to December 2003 Kronos Worldwide, Inc. was
a wholly-owned subsidiary of NL Industries, Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of
the Company.  In December 2003, NL completed the  distribution of  approximately
48.8% of Kronos' common stock on a pro-rata basis to its shareholders, including
Valhi, and during 2004 NL paid each of its four $.20 per share regular quarterly
dividends in the form of shares of Kronos common stock. In its previously-issued
consolidated financial statements,  the Company accounted for its pro-rata share
of any current  income tax resulting from the  distribution  of shares of Kronos
common stock to NL's stockholders as a direct charge to equity. In addition, the
Company has never recognized deferred income taxes with respect to the excess of
the GAAP book  basis of its  investment  in Kronos  over the income tax basis of
such  shares.  The Company has now  concluded,  among other  things,  that (i) a
portion of the current income taxes resulting from the distribution of shares of
Kronos  common stock to NL's  shareholders  should be included in the  Company's
provision for income taxes included in the  determination of net income and (ii)
the Company  should have  commenced  to  recognize  deferred  income  taxes with
respect to the excess of the GAAP book basis of its  investment  in Kronos  over
the income tax basis of such shares  starting in December 2003,  concurrent with
NL's December 2003 distribution of 48.8% of Kronos' common stock (the first time
in which the Company owned shares of Kronos directly),  including recognition of
such deferred  income taxes with respect to the excess of the GAAP book basis of
its  investment  in Kronos over the income tax basis of such shares that existed
as of the date of such December 2003 distribution.

     Accordingly,  during the Registrant's  close process for its fiscal quarter
ended September 30, 2005, the Registrant concluded that:

     o    its provision for income taxes included in the determination of income
          from  continuing  operations  was  misstated  by an  aggregate of $2.6
          million  ($.02 per diluted  share,  net of minority  interest)  in the
          first quarter of 2004 and by $5.0 million ($5.2  million,  or $.04 per
          diluted share, net of minority interest) in the first quarter of 2005;
     o    its provision for deferred income taxes included in the  determination
          of total  other  comprehensive  income  related  to  foreign  currency
          translation and pension  liabilities,  net of minority  interest,  was
          misstated by an aggregate of $371,000 in the first quarter of 2004 and
          by $84,000 in the first quarter of 2005;
     o    its provision for income taxes accounted for as a direct  reduction to
          stockholders'  equity,  net of minority  interest,  was  misstated  by
          $553,000 in the first quarter of 2005; and
     o    with respect to its statement of changes in stockholders'  equity, and
          in  addition  to  the  effect  of  the  items   noted   above,   total
          stockholders'  equity was  misstated by $121.9  million as of December
          31, 2004,

in each case as they related to the  appropriate  provision for income taxes and
related items which should have been  recognized in accordance  with  accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States of America  ("GAAP")  as
provided  by  the  guidance  contained  in  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes,  principally with respect to the
following items:

     o    Deferred  income  taxes  with  respect to the income tax effect of the
          excess  of the GAAP  book  basis  over  the  income  tax  basis of the
          Registrant's  investment in Kronos  Worldwide,  Inc., a majority-owned
          subsidiary of the Registrant;
     o    Current  income  taxes  related to  distributions  of shares of Kronos
          common  stock  made  by  NL   Industries,   Inc.,   the   Registrant's
          majority-owned subsidiary, to NL's stockholders; and
     o    Current and deferred income tax provisions related to other items.

     On December 22, 2005,  the Company and its audit  committee  concluded that
the Company had failed to properly apply the guidance  contained in SFAS No. 109
in so far as it related to these items.

     This  amendment was required to correct for the  aggregate  effect of these
misstatements.  While the  effect of these  misstatements  have no effect on the
Company's  previously-reported  total cash flows from  operating,  investing and
financing  activities,  these  misstatements do have a significant effect on the
Company's provision for income taxes,  related income tax accounts  (principally
deferred income taxes) and stockholders' equity.

     The following tables show (i) selected  consolidated  balance sheet data as
of December 31, 2004 and March 31, 2005, and selected consolidated statements of
income,  comprehensive  income,  stockholders' equity and cash flow data for the
interim  periods ended March 31, 2004 and 2005, in each case as reported  before
the  effect  of the  restatements  discussed  above,  (ii)  adjustments  to such
consolidated  financial  statement  data to reflect the aggregate  effect of the
restatements discussed above as well as certain other immaterial items and (iii)
such consolidated financial statement data, as restated to reflect the aggregate
effect of the restatements.  The previously  reported amounts shown in the table
below (which are before the effect of the  restatements  discussed above) are as
reported in the  Original  Form 10-Q and  include the impact of the  restatement
discussed above related to TIMET's change in accounting for its inventories.

                                              Valhi, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                        Selected Consolidated Balance Sheet Data
                                                   December 31, 2004
                                                     (In thousands)

                                                                                  December 31, 2004
                                                                  reported         Adjustments         As restated
                                                                                  (In thousands)

 Selected balance sheet items:

 Noncurrent marketable securities                                  $  176,770            $ 80,000        $  256,770
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========
 Total other noncurrent assets                                   $  1,158,553            $ 80,000        $1,238,553
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Current receivable from affiliates                                  $  5,484                $ 47          $  5,531
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Total current assets                                               $ 799,090                $ 47         $ 799,137
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Noncurrent deferred income tax liabilities                        $  165,577           $ 220,477        $  386,054
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Total noncurrent liabilities                                     $ 1,143,961           $ 220,477        $1,364,438
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Minority interest                                                  $ 158,240           $ (18,530)         $139,710
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock                                                     $   1,242           $    -            $   1,242
   Additional paid-in capital                                          85,213              25,765           110,978
   Retained earnings                                                  871,913             (59,429)          812,484
   Accumulated other comprehensive
     income (loss)
     Marketable securities                                             88,367             (82,918)            5,449
     Currency translation                                              45,561              (9,181)           36,380
     Pension liabilities                                              (57,779)              3,863           (53,916)
   Treasury stock                                                     (37,942)               -              (37,942)
                                                                  -----------         -----------        ----------

   Total stockholders' equity                                       $ 996,575         $  (121,900)        $ 874,675
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

                                              Valhi, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                        Selected Consolidated Balance Sheet Data
                                                     March 31, 2005
                                                     (In thousands)

                                                                                   March 31, 2005

                                                                  reported         Adjustments         As restated
                                                                                  (In thousands)

 Selected balance sheet items:

 Noncurrent marketable securities                                  $  181,982            $ 80,000        $  261,982
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Total other noncurrent assets                                   $  1,191,259            $ 80,000        $1,271,259
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Current receivable from affiliates                                  $  6,143                $ 47          $  6,190
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Total current assets                                               $ 798,655                $ 47         $ 798,702
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Noncurrent deferred income tax liabilities                        $  169,142           $ 224,703        $  393,845
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Total noncurrent liabilities                                     $ 1,111,556           $ 224,703        $1,336,259
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Minority interest                                                  $ 169,788           $ (18,155)         $151,633
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

 Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock                                                     $   1,242           $    -            $   1,242
   Additional paid-in capital                                          85,212              26,318           111,530
   Retained earnings                                                  889,517             (64,667)          824,850
   Accumulated other comprehensive
     income (loss)
     Marketable securities                                             88,199             (82,918)            5,281
     Currency translation                                              45,466              (9,097)           36,369
     Pension liabilities                                              (57,779)              3,863           (53,916)
   Treasury stock                                                     (37,942)               -              (37,942)
                                                                  -----------         -----------         ---------

   Total stockholders' equity                                     $ 1,013,915         $  (126,501)        $ 887,414
                                                                  ===========           =========        ==========

                                                    Valhi, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                            Selected Consolidated Income Statement Data
                                                           (In thousands)
                                                      Three months ended                            Three months ended
                                                      March 31, 2004                                 March 31, 2005

                                          Previously                                     Previously
                                           reported      Adjustments    As restated       reported      Adjustments    As restated
                                                                   (In thousands, except per share data)
Income from continuing operations
   before   income tax and minority
   interest                                   $  6,192       $   -         $ 6,192         $  60,505    $    -         $  60,505

Provision for income taxes                         778         2,653         3,431            24,973       4,973          29,946

Minority interest in after tax earnings          1,813           (20)        1,793             5,232         265           5,497
                                              --------      --------     ---------          --------      --------      --------

    Income (loss) from
     continuing operations                       3,601        (2,633)          968            30,300         (5,238)      25,062

Discontinued operations                              5          -                5              (272)        -             (272)
                                              --------      --------     ---------          --------      --------      --------

    Net income (loss)                        $   3,606     $  (2,633)         $973         $  30,028      $  (5,238)    $ 24,790
                                             =========     =========     =========         =========      =========     ========

Earnings per share:
    Basic net income per share              $     .03      $    (.02)    $     .01         $     .25      $    (.04)    $    .21
                                            =========      =========     =========         =========      =========     ========

    Diluted net income per share            $     .03      $    (.02)    $     .01         $     .25      $    (.04)    $    .21
                                            =========      =========     =========         =========      =========     ========

Weighted average shares used:
    Basic                                     120,190                      120,190           120,223                     120,223
    Diluted                                   120,489                      120,489           120,572                     120,572

                                              Valhi, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                              Selected Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Data
                                                     (In thousands)

                                                                        Three months ended March 31, 2004
                                                                  reported         Adjustments         As restated
                                                                                  (In thousands)

 Consolidated other comprehensive income:
   Net income                                                        $  3,606            $ (2,633)           $  973
                                                                     ========           =========          ========

   Other comprehensive income, net of tax:
     Marketable securities adjustment                                   1,268               -                 1,268
     Pension liabilities adjustment                                       309               -                   309
     Currency translation adjustment                                   (2,332)                371            (1,961)
                                                                     --------           ---------          --------

       Total other comprehensive income                                  (755)                371              (384)
                                                                     --------           ---------          --------

     Comprehensive income                                            $  2,851            $ (2,262)           $  589
                                                                     ========           =========          ========

                                                                           Three months March 31, 2005
                                                                  reported         Adjustments         As restated
                                                                                  (In thousands)

 Consolidated other comprehensive income:
   Net income (loss)                                                $  30,028           $  (5,238)        $  24,790
                                                                    =========           =========         =========

   Other comprehensive income, net of tax:
     Marketable securities adjustment                                    (168)               -                 (168)
     Currency translation adjustment                                      (95)                 84               (11)
                                                                    ---------           ---------          --------

       Total other comprehensive income                                  (263)                 84              (179)
                                                                    ---------           ---------          --------

     Comprehensive income                                           $  29,765            $ (5,154)        $  24,611
                                                                    =========           =========         =========

                                             Valhi, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                             Selected Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity Data
                                                    (In thousands)

                                                                            Total stockholders equity -
                                                                       Three months ended March 31, 2005

                                                                 reported          Adjustments         As restated

Balance at December 31, 2004                                        $ 996,575          $(121,900)         $ 874,675

Net income                                                             30,028             (5,238)            24,790
Other comprehensive income, net                                          (263)                84               (179)
Income tax on distribution                                               (553)               553                  -
Other, net                                                            (11,872)              -               (11,872)
                                                                   ----------        -----------          ---------

Balance at March 31, 2005                                          $1,013,915        $  (126,501)         $ 887,414
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

                                             Valhi, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                  Selected Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow Data
                                                    (In thousands)

                                                                       Three months ended March 31, 2004
                                                                 reported          Adjustments        As restated

Items comprising cash flow from  operating activities:

   Net income                                                        $  3,606         $   (2,633)            $  973
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Deferred income taxes from continuing operations                   $(1,518)          $  2,055           $    537
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Minority interest from continuing
    operations                                                         $1,813             $  (20)           $ 1,793
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Accounts with affiliates                                         $  (1,977)          $    598          $  (1,379)
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Total cash flow from operating
    activities                                                       $  5,719          $     -             $  5,719
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

                                                                       Three months ended March 31, 2005
                                                                 reported          Adjustments        As restated

Items comprising cash flow from  operating activities:

   Net income (loss)                                                $  30,028         $   (5,238)         $  24,790
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Deferred income taxes from continuing operations                 $  16,563         $    4,309          $  20,872
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Minority interest from continuing
    operations                                                         $5,232             $  265            $ 5,497
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Accounts with affiliates                                           $  (474)           $   664             $  190
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

   Total cash flow from operating
    activities                                                     $  (10,507)         $     -           $  (10,507)
                                                                    =========         ==========          =========

Organization and basis of presentation.

     The   consolidated   balance   sheet  of  Valhi,   Inc.  and   Subsidiaries
(collectively,  the  "Company")  at December  31, 2004 has been derived from the
Company's  audited   consolidated   financial   statements  at  that  date.  The
consolidated balance sheet at March 31, 2005, and the consolidated statements of
income,  comprehensive  income,  stockholders'  equity  and cash  flows  for the
interim  periods  ended  March 31,  2004 and 2005,  have  been  prepared  by the
Company,  without audit,  in accordance with GAAP. In the opinion of management,
all adjustments,  consisting only of normal recurring adjustments,  necessary to
state fairly the consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash
flows have been made.

     The  results of  operations  for the interim  periods  are not  necessarily
indicative  of the  operating  results for a full year or of future  operations.
Certain  information  normally  included  in  financial  statements  prepared in
accordance  with GAAP has been  condensed  or omitted,  and  certain  prior year
amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation.  The
accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  should be read in conjunction
with the Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
2004 (the "2004 Annual Report").

     Contran Corporation holds, directly or through subsidiaries,  approximately
91% of Valhi's outstanding common stock at March 31, 2005.  Substantially all of
Contran's outstanding voting stock is held by trusts established for the benefit
of certain children and grandchildren of Harold C. Simmons, of which Mr. Simmons
is sole trustee,  or is held by Mr. Simmons or persons or other entities related
to Mr.  Simmons.  Consequently,  Mr.  Simmons,  may be  deemed to  control  such

     As disclosed in the 2004 Annual Report,  the Company currently accounts for
stock-based employee compensation in accordance with Accounting Principles Board
Opinion  ("APBO")  No. 25,  Accounting  for Stock Issued to  Employees,  and its
various interpretations. See Note 16. Under APBO No. 25, no compensation cost is
generally  recognized  for fixed stock  options in which the  exercise  price is
greater than or equal to the market price on the grant date.  Prior to 2004, and
following the cash  settlement of certain stock options held by employees of NL,
NL and the Company  commenced  accounting for NL's remaining stock options using
the variable  accounting  method  because NL could not overcome the  presumption
that it would not similarly cash settle its remaining  stock options.  Under the
variable accounting method, the intrinsic value of all unexercised stock options
(including  those with an exercise  price at least equal to the market  price on
the date of grant) are accrued as an expense  over their  vesting  period,  with
subsequent  increases  (decreases) in the market price of the underlying  common
stock resulting in additional  compensation  expense (income).  Net compensation
expense   recognized  by  the  Company  in  accordance  with  APBO  No.  25  was
approximately  $1.1 million and $120,000 in the first  quarter of 2004 and 2005,

     The following  table presents what the Company's  consolidated  net income,
and  related  per share  amounts,  would have been in the 2004 and 2005  periods
presented  if Valhi and its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates  had each  elected to
account for their respective  stock-based employee compensation related to stock
options  in  accordance  with the fair  value-based  recognition  provisions  of
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 123,  Accounting for
Stock-Based Compensation, for all awards granted subsequent to January 1, 1995.

                                                                                            Three months
                                                                                          ended March 31,
                                                                                    2004                 2005
                                                                                        (In millions, except
                                                                                         Per share amounts)

                                                                                 (Restated)           (Restated)
Net income as reported                                                            $1.0               $24.8

Adjustments, net of applicable income
 tax effects and minority interest:
  Stock-based employee compensation expense
                                                                                    .6                  .1
   determined under APBO No. 25
  Stock-based employee compensation expense                                        (.2)                (.1)
                                                                                  ----               -----
   determined under SFAS No. 123

Pro forma net income                                                              $1.4               $24.8
                                                                                  ====               =====

Basic and diluted net income per share:
  As reported                                                                     $.01               $ .21
  Pro forma                                                                        .01                 .21

Note 2 -       Business segment information:

                                                        % owned by Valhi at
  Business segment                Entity                   March 31, 2005

  Chemicals             Kronos Worldwide, Inc.                      93%
  Component products    CompX International Inc.                    68%
  Waste management      Waste Control Specialists LLC              100%
  Titanium metals       TIMET                                       43%

     The Company's  ownership of Kronos  includes 57% held directly by Valhi and
36% held  directly by NL  Industries,  Inc.,  an 83%-owned  subsidiary of Valhi.
During the first quarter of 2005, NL sold approximately 467,000 shares of Kronos
common stock in market transactions for an aggregate of $19 million. See Note 8.

     The Company's  ownership of CompX is held directly by CompX Group,  Inc, an
82.4%-owned  subsidiary  of NL. TIMET owns the  remaining  17.6% of CompX Group.
CompX Group's sole asset  consists of shares of CompX common stock  representing
approximately  83% of the total  number  of CompX  shares  outstanding,  and the
percentage  ownership of CompX shown above represents NL's ownership interest in
CompX Group multiplied by CompX Group's ownership interest in CompX.

     The  Company's  ownership of TIMET  includes 40% owned  directly by Tremont
LLC, a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Valhi,  and 3% owned  directly by Valhi.  In
addition,  the Combined Master Retirement  Trust, a collective  investment trust
established  by Valhi to permit the  collective  investment  by  certain  master
trusts  which fund  certain  employee  benefits  plans  sponsored by Contran and
certain of its affiliates, owned an additional 12% of TIMET's outstanding common
stock at March 31,  2005.  During  the first  quarter of 2005,  Valhi  purchased
additional shares of TIMET common stock in market transactions for approximately
$11.5 million.

     TIMET  owns an  additional  2% of  CompX,  .5% of NL and  less  than .1% of
Kronos,  and TIMET accounts for such CompX, NL and Kronos shares, as well as its
shares of CompX Group, as  available-for-sale  marketable  securities carried at
fair  value  (with the fair value of TIMET's  shares of CompX  Group  determined
based on the fair value of the  underlying  CompX  shares held by CompX  Group).
Because the  Company  does not  consolidate  TIMET,  the shares of CompX  Group,
CompX,  NL and Kronos owned by TIMET are not considered as part of the Company's
consolidated investment in such companies.

     Kronos (NYSE:  KRO), NL (NYSE: NL), CompX (NYSE: CIX) and TIMET (NYSE: TIE)
each file periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")
pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                                                                                         Three months ended
                                                                                               March 31,
                                                                                        2004            2005
                                                                                            (In millions)

 Net sales:
   Chemicals                                                                           $263.3          $291.9
   Component products                                                                    43.6            46.8
   Waste management                                                                        .8             2.5

     Total net sales                                                                   $307.7          $341.2

 Operating income:
   Chemicals                                                                           $ 22.2          $ 43.6
   Component products                                                                     2.5             4.1
   Waste management                                                                      (3.2)           (2.8)

     Total operating income                                                              21.5            44.9

 General corporate items:
   Interest and dividend income                                                           8.5            10.2
   Securities transaction gains, net                                                      -              14.6
   General expenses, net                                                                 (9.0)           (8.2)
 Interest expense                                                                       (15.6)          (17.9)
                                                                                          5.4            43.6
 Equity in:
   TIMET                                                                                   .7            16.8
   Other                                                                                   .1              .1

     Income before income taxes                                                        $  6.2          $ 60.5

     Chemicals  operating  income,  as  presented  above,  differs  from amounts
separately  reported by Kronos due to amortization of purchase  accounting basis
adjustments recorded by the Company. Similarly, the Company's equity in earnings
of   TIMET   differs   from   the   Company's    pro-rata   share   of   TIMET's
separately-reported  results.  Component products operating income, as presented
below, may differ from amounts separately  reported by CompX because the Company
defines operating income differently than CompX.

     In March 2005, NL paid its $.25 per share regular quarterly dividend in the
form of shares of Kronos common stock in which approximately  266,000 shares, or
approximately  .5% of Kronos'  outstanding  common stock, were distributed to NL
shareholders,  including  Valhi,  in  the  form  of a  pro-rata  dividend.  NL's
distribution  of such shares of Kronos  common stock is taxable to NL, and NL is
required to  recognize a taxable gain equal to the  difference  between the fair
market value of the shares of Kronos common stock  distributed and NL's adjusted
tax basis in such stock at the date of  distribution.  Of the $3.9  million  tax
liability  recognized  by NL with  respect  to the  Kronos  shares  distributed,
$664,000 relates to the Kronos shares  distributed to NL shareholders other than
Valhi and $3.3 million  relates to the Kronos shares  distributed to Valhi.  The
taxable  gain  with  respect  to the  shares  of  Kronos  distributed  to  Valhi
(approximately 221,000 shares) is deferred at the Valhi level since Valhi and NL
are  members  of the same  consolidated  tax group for U.S.  federal  income tax
purposes, and such tax liability is not recognized in the Company's consolidated
financial  statements.  In accordance with GAAP, the $664,000 income tax related
to the Kronos shares  distributed to NL  shareholders  other than Valhi has been
recognized  as a component of the  Company's  provision  for income taxes in the
first quarter of 2005. Completion of the distribution had no other impact on the
Company's consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

Note 3 -       Marketable securities:

                                                                              December 31,         March 31,
                                                                                  2004                2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

                                                                                (Restated)          (Restated)
 Current assets - available for sale:
   Restricted debt securities                                                     $  9,446            $  9,916
   Other debt securities                                                              -                  2,957
                                                                                  --------            --------

                                                                                  $  9,446            $ 12,873
                                                                                 =========            ========

 Noncurrent assets (available-for-sale):
   The Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC                                              $250,000            $250,000
   Restricted debt securities                                                        6,725               5,181
   Other debt securities and common stocks                                              45               6,801
                                                                                  --------            --------

                                                                                  $256,770            $261,982
                                                                                 =========            ========

     The carrying  value of the Company's  investment in The  Amalgamated  Sugar
Company LLC at December 31, 2004, as presented  herein,  has been restated.  See
Note 1 for a  discussion  of  this  restatement  and a  description  of the  LLC

Note 4 - Accounts and other receivables:

                                                                              December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                  2004                 2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Accounts receivable                                                              $219,764            $242,058
 Notes receivable                                                                    1,993               2,071
 Allowance for doubtful accounts                                                    (3,826)             (3,016)
                                                                                  --------            --------

                                                                                  $217,931            $241,113
                                                                                  ========            ========

Note 5 -       Inventories:

                                                                              December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                   2004                2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Raw materials:
   Chemicals                                                                      $ 45,961            $ 43,596
   Component products                                                                8,193               4,774
                                                                                  --------            --------
                                                                                    54,154              48,370
                                                                                  --------            --------
 In process products:
   Chemicals                                                                        16,612              17,256
   Component products                                                               10,827               9,776
                                                                                  --------            --------
                                                                                    27,439              27,032
                                                                                  --------            --------
 Finished products:
   Chemicals                                                                       131,161             138,943
   Component products                                                                9,696               6,215
                                                                                  --------            --------
                                                                                   140,857             145,158
                                                                                  --------            --------

 Supplies (primarily chemicals)                                                     40,964              40,438
                                                                                  --------            --------

                                                                                  $263,414            $260,998
                                                                                  ========            ========

Note 6 -       Accrued liabilities:

                                                                              December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                  2004                 2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

   Employee benefits                                                               $ 53,295            $ 47,568
   Environmental costs                                                               21,316              22,761
   Deferred income                                                                    5,276               3,751
   Interest                                                                             243              11,142
   Other                                                                             50,989              54,818
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                   $131,119            $140,040
                                                                                   ========            ========

   Insurance claims and expenses                                                   $ 22,718            $ 23,838
   Employee benefits                                                                  5,380               5,093
   Deferred income                                                                    1,427               1,329
   Asset retirement obligations                                                       1,357               1,373
   Other                                                                             10,179               7,826
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                   $ 41,061            $ 39,459
                                                                                   ========            ========

Note 7 - Other assets:

                                                                                December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                    2004                2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Investment in affiliates:
     Common stock                                                                  $ 55,425            $ 83,384
     Preferred stock                                                                    183                 183
                                                                                     55,608              83,567
                                                                                   --------            --------

   TiO2 manufacturing joint venture                                                 120,251             121,101
   Other                                                                             13,867              13,870
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                   $189,726            $218,538
                                                                                   ========            ========

 Loans and other receivables:
   Snake River Sugar Company:
     Principal                                                                     $ 80,000            $ 80,000
     Interest                                                                        38,294              39,592
   Other                                                                              3,151               7,419
                                                                                   --------            --------
                                                                                    121,445             127,011

   Less current portion                                                               1,993               2,071
                                                                                   --------            --------

   Noncurrent portion                                                              $119,452            $124,940
                                                                                   ========            ========

 Other noncurrent assets:
   IBNR receivables                                                                $ 11,646            $ 12,617
   Deferred financing costs                                                          10,933               9,742
   Waste disposal site operating permits                                              9,269               9,801
   Refundable insurance deposit                                                       2,483               2,483
   Restricted cash equivalents                                                          494                 442
   Other                                                                             17,501              19,518
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                   $ 52,326            $ 54,603
                                                                                   ========            ========

     At March 31,  2005,  the Company  held 6.8  million  shares of TIMET with a
quoted  market price of $36.00 per share,  or an aggregate  market value of $245
million.  At March 31, 2005,  TIMET  reported total assets of $764.2 million and
stockholders'  equity of $445.3 million.  TIMET's total assets at March 31, 2005
include  current  assets of $412.0  million,  property  and  equipment of $231.9
million, marketable securities of $47.0 million and investment in joint ventures
of $25.2 million.  TIMET's total  liabilities at March 31, 2005 include  current
liabilities of $195.1 million,  accrued OPEB and pension costs aggregating $91.3
million and debt payable to TIMET Capital Trust I of $12.0  million.  During the
first quarter of 2005,  TIMET  reported net sales of $155.2  million,  operating
income of $19.4 million and income  attributable to common stockholders of $38.1
million (2004 - net sales of $120.5  million,  operating  income of $3.3 million
and a loss attributable to common stockholders of $1.2 million). See Note 1.

     See Note 1 for a  discussion  of the  Company's  loan to Snake  River,  and
various other relationships between the Company and Snake River.

Note 8 - Other income:

                                                                                        Three months ended
                                                                                              March 31,
                                                                                      2004              2005
                                                                                          (In thousands)

 Securities earnings:
   Dividends and interest                                                               $8,461           $10,175
   Securities transactions, net                                                            (25)           14,607
                                                                                      --------          --------

                                                                                         8,436            24,782

 Currency transactions, net                                                                398               874
 Other, net                                                                                867               981
                                                                                      --------          --------

                                                                                        $9,701           $26,637
                                                                                      ========          ========

     Securities  transaction  gains in 2005  relate  primarily  to NL's  sale of
approximately  467,000 shares of Kronos common stock in market  transactions for
aggregate proceeds of $19 million.

Note 9 - Long-term debt:

                                                                              December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                  2004                 2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Valhi - Snake River Sugar Company                                                 $250,000            $250,000
                                                                                   --------            --------

   Kronos International Senior Secured Notes                                        519,225             493,015
   Kronos European bank credit facility                                              13,622              12,946
   Other                                                                              1,090                 992
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                    533,937             506,953
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                    783,937             756,953

 Less current maturities                                                             14,412              13,701
                                                                                   --------            --------

                                                                                   $769,525            $743,252
                                                                                   ========            ========

     As previously reported in the 2004 Annual Report,  Kronos International has
pledged 65% of the common stock or other  ownership  interests of certain of its
first-tier  operating  subsidiaries  as collateral for its Senior Secured Notes.
Such operating  subsidiaries  are Kronos Titan GmbH,  Kronos Denmark ApS, Kronos
Limited and Societe Industrielle Du Titane, S.A.

Note 10 - Accounts with affiliates:

                                                                              December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                   2004                2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

                                                                               (Restated)          (Restated)
 Current receivables from affiliates:
     Demand loan                                                                    $ 4,929             $ 5,861
     Income taxes                                                                       578                 326
   TIMET                                                                                 24                   -
   Other                                                                               -                      3
                                                                                    -------             -------

                                                                                    $ 5,531             $ 6,190
                                                                                    =======             =======

 Noncurrent receivable from affiliate -
  loan to Contran family trust                                                      $10,000             $10,000
                                                                                    =======             =======

 Payables to affiliates:
   Louisiana Pigment Company                                                        $ 8,844             $ 9,638
   Contran - trade items                                                              2,753               3,049
   Other, net                                                                            10                 113
                                                                                    -------             -------

                                                                                    $11,607             $12,800
                                                                                    =======             =======

Note 11 - Provision for income taxes:

                                                                                        Three months ended
                                                                                             March 31,
                                                                                      2004              2005
                                                                                   (Restated)        (Restated)
                                                                                          (In millions)

 Expected tax expense                                                               $ 2.2             $21.2
 Incremental U.S. tax and rate differences on
  equity in earnings                                                                   2.5               4.8
 Non-U.S. tax rates                                                                    .1               -
 Income tax on distribution of shares of
  Kronos common stock                                                                .6                .7
 Excess of book basis over tax basis of shares of
  Kronos common stock sold                                                            -                 1.6
 Change in deferred income tax valuation allowance                                   (3.0)              -
 U.S. state income taxes, net                                                         -                  .3
 Nondeductible expenses                                                               1.0               1.2
 Other, net                                                                             -               .1
                                                                                    ------            -----

                                                                                    $  3.4            $29.9
                                                                                    ======            =====

 Comprehensive provision for income taxes (benefit)
  allocated to:
   Income from continuing operations                                                $  3.4            $29.9
   Discontinued operations                                                            -                 (.4)
   Additional paid-in capital                                                          .6                .7
   Other comprehensive income:
     Marketable securities                                                             .1                .9
     Currency translation                                                             (.5)              (.2)
     Pension liabilities                                                               .1               -
                                                                                    ------            -----

                                                                                    $ 3.7             $30.9
                                                                                    ======            =====

     Certain of the Company's  U.S. and non-U.S.  tax returns are being examined
and tax authorities have or may propose tax  deficiencies,  including  penalties
and interest. For example:

     o    NL's and NL's majority-owned  subsidiary,  NL Environmental Management
          Services,  Inc. ("EMS"), U.S. federal income tax returns for the years
          1998  through  2000 have been  audited  by the U.S.  tax  authorities.
          During the course of the audit,  the IRS  proposed a  substantial  tax
          deficiency,   including   interest,   related   to   a   restructuring
          transaction.  To avoid protracted litigation,  minimize the hazards of
          such litigation and other  considerations,  NL and EMS applied to take
          part  in an  IRS  settlement  initiative  applicable  to  transactions
          similar  to the  restructuring  transaction.  In April  2003,  the IRS
          notified NL and EMS that they had been accepted  into such  settlement
          initiative.  NL has reached an agreement  with the IRS  concerning the
          settlement of this matter  pursuant to which,  among other things,  NL
          paid  approximately  $21 million,  including  interest,  up front as a
          partial  payment of the  settlement  amount  (which amount was paid in
          April  2005 and is  classified  as a  current  liability  at March 31,
          2005),  and NL will be required to recognize the remaining  settlement
          amount  (approximately $15 million) ratably in its taxable income over
          a 15-year time period  beginning  in 2004.  NL and the IRS have signed
          the settlement agreement, and the case is now closed.

     o    Kronos has received a preliminary tax assessment  related to 1993 from
          the Belgian tax  authorities  proposing  tax  deficiencies,  including
          related interest, of approximately euro 6 million ($8 million at March
          31, 2005). Kronos has filed a protest to this assessment, and believes
          that a significant  portion of the  assessment is without  merit.  The
          Belgian  tax  authorities  have  filed a lien on the  fixed  assets of
          Kronos' Belgian TiO2 operations in connection with this assessment. In
          April  2003,  Kronos  received a  notification  from the  Belgian  tax
          authorities of their intent to assess a tax deficiency related to 1999
          that,  including  interest,  is  expected to be  approximately  euro 9
          million ($12  million).  Kronos  believes the proposed  assessment  is
          substantially without merit, and Kronos has filed a written response.

     o    The Norwegian tax authorities  have notified Kronos of their intent to
          assess  tax  deficiencies  of  approximately  kroner  12  million  ($2
          million)  relating to the years 1998 through 2000. Kronos has objected
          to this proposed assessment.

     o    Kronos has received a preliminary tax assessment from the Canadian tax
          authorities   related  to  the  years  1998  and  1999  proposing  tax
          deficiencies  of Cdn.  $11  million ($9  million).  Kronos has filed a
          protest  and  believes  a  significant  portion of the  assessment  is
          without merit.

     No  assurance  can be given  that  these  unresolved  tax  matters  will be
resolved in the Company's favor in view of the inherent  uncertainties  involved
in settlement initiatives,  court and tax proceedings. The Company believes that
it has provided  adequate  accruals for  additional  taxes and related  interest
expense which may ultimately result from all such examinations and believes that
the ultimate disposition of such examinations should not have a material adverse
effect  on  its  consolidated  financial  position,  results  of  operations  or

Note 12 - Minority interest:

                                                                              December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                  2004                 2005
                                                                               (Restated)          (Restated)
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Minority interest in net assets:
   NL Industries                                                              $ 51,662              $ 57,424
   Kronos Worldwide                                                             29,569                35,304
   CompX International                                                          49,153                49,549
   Subsidiary of NL                                                              9,250                 9,280
   Subsidiary of Kronos                                                             76                    76
                                                                              --------              --------

                                                                              $139,710              $151,633
                                                                              ========              ========

                                                                                        Three months ended
                                                                                             March 31,
                                                                                      2004              2005
                                                                                   (Restated)        (Restated)
                                                                                          (In thousands)

 Minority interest in income -
  continuing operations:
   NL Industries                                                                    $  616            $3,228
   Kronos Worldwide                                                                    681             1,534
   CompX International                                                                 488               701
   Subsidiary of NL                                                                    -                  30
   Subsidiary of Kronos                                                                  8                 4
                                                                                   -------            ------

                                                                                    $1,793            $5,497
                                                                                    ======            ======

Note 13 - Commitments and contingencies:

Lead pigment litigation - NL.

     NL's former operations included the manufacture of lead pigments for use in
paint and lead-based paint. NL, other former  manufacturers of lead pigments for
use in paint and lead-based  paint, and the Lead Industries  Association  (which
discontinued  business  operations  in 2002)  have been named as  defendants  in
various legal proceedings  seeking damages for personal injury,  property damage
and governmental  expenditures allegedly caused by the use of lead-based paints.
Certain of these  actions have been filed by or on behalf of states,  large U.S.
cities or their public housing  authorities  and school  districts,  and certain
others have been asserted as class actions. These lawsuits seek recovery under a
variety of theories,  including public and private  nuisance,  negligent product
design,  negligent  failure  to warn,  strict  liability,  breach  of  warranty,
conspiracy/concert of action, aiding and abetting,  enterprise liability, market
share liability,  intentional tort, fraud and  misrepresentation,  violations of
state consumer protection statutes, supplier negligence and similar claims.

     The plaintiffs in these actions  generally seek to impose on the defendants
responsibility for lead paint abatement and health concerns  associated with the
use of lead-based  paints,  including damages for personal injury,  contribution
and/or  indemnification  for medical expenses,  medical monitoring  expenses and
costs for  educational  programs.  A number of cases are  inactive  or have been
dismissed or  withdrawn.  Most of the remaining  cases are in various  pre-trial
stages.  Some are on appeal  following  dismissal or summary judgment rulings in
favor of the defendants. In addition,  various other cases are pending (in which
NL is not a  defendant)  seeking  recovery for injury  allegedly  caused by lead
pigment and lead-based paint. Although NL is not a defendant in these cases, the
outcome  of these  cases may have an  impact on  additional  cases  being  filed
against NL in the future.

     NL believes  these actions are without  merit,  intends to continue to deny
all  allegations  of wrongdoing  and liability and to defend against all actions
vigorously.  NL has  neither  lost nor settled  any of these  cases.  NL has not
accrued any amounts for pending lead pigment and  lead-based  paint  litigation.
Liability that may result, if any, cannot reasonably be estimated.  There can be
no assurance  that NL will not incur  liability in the future in respect of this
pending litigation in view of the inherent  uncertainties  involved in court and
jury rulings in pending and possible future cases. If any such future  liability
were  to be  incurred,  it  could  be  material  to the  Company's  consolidated
financial statements, results of operations and liquidity.

     NL  previously  filed an action  against  certain of its  former  insurance
carriers for coverage with respect to defense costs related to certain  specific
lead  pigment  litigation  matters.  This  action  was  settled  in 2000.  NL is
continuing  discussions with certain former insurance carriers for coverage with
respect to defense costs related to NL's remaining past and present lead pigment
litigation  matters.  Whether insurance coverage for defense costs will be found
to exist for lead pigment litigation depends on a variety of factors,  and there
can be no assurance  that NL will be successful in obtaining  reimbursement  for
past or future  defense costs.  NL has not  considered  any potential  insurance
recoveries for lead pigment litigation in determining related accruals.

     Environmental matters and litigation.

     General.  The Company's  operations  are governed by various  environmental
laws and  regulations.  Certain of the  Company's  operations  are and have been
engaged in the handling,  manufacture or use of substances or compounds that may
be considered toxic or hazardous within the meaning of applicable  environmental
laws and  regulations.  As with other companies  engaged in similar  businesses,
certain  past and  current  operations  and  products  of the  Company  have the
potential to cause  environmental  or other damage.  The Company has implemented
and  continues  to  implement  various  policies  and  programs  in an effort to
minimize  these  risks.  The  Company's  policy is to maintain  compliance  with
applicable environmental laws and regulations at all of its plants and to strive
to improve its environmental performance.  From time to time, the Company may be
subject to environmental regulatory enforcement under U.S. and foreign statutes,
resolution of which typically involves the establishment of compliance programs.
It is  possible  that future  developments,  such as  stricter  requirements  of
environmental laws and enforcement policies  thereunder,  could adversely affect
the  Company's  production,  handling,  use,  storage,  transportation,  sale or
disposal  of such  substances.  The  Company  believes  all of its plants are in
substantial compliance with applicable environmental laws.

     Certain  properties and facilities used in the Company's former businesses,
including  divested  primary  and  secondary  lead  smelters  and former  mining
locations of NL, are the subject of civil litigation, administrative proceedings
or  investigations   arising  under  federal  and  state   environmental   laws.
Additionally,  in connection with past disposal practices,  the Company has been
named as a defendant,  potential  responsible party ("PRP") or both, pursuant to
the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and Liability Act, as
amended by the Superfund  Amendments  and  Reauthorization  Act  ("CERCLA")  and
similar state laws in various  governmental and private actions  associated with
waste disposal sites, mining locations,  and facilities  currently or previously
owned,  operated  or  used  by  the  Company  or  its  subsidiaries,   or  their
predecessors,  certain  of  which  are  on the  U.S.  EPA's  Superfund  National
Priorities List or similar state lists.  These  proceedings  seek cleanup costs,
damages for  personal  injury or property  damage  and/or  damages for injury to
natural resources.  Certain of these proceedings  involve claims for substantial
amounts.  Although  the  Company may be jointly  and  severally  liable for such
costs,  in most cases it is only one of a number of PRPs who may also be jointly
and severally liable.

     Environmental obligations are difficult to assess and estimate for numerous
reasons including the complexity and differing  interpretations  of governmental
regulations,  the number of PRPs and the PRPs'  ability or  willingness  to fund
such  allocation of costs,  their financial  capabilities  and the allocation of
costs among PRPs,  the  solvency of other  PRPs,  the  multiplicity  of possible
solutions,  and the years of  investigatory,  remedial and  monitoring  activity
required.   In  addition,   the  imposition  of  more  stringent   standards  or
requirements  under  environmental  laws or  regulations,  new  developments  or
changes  respecting  site cleanup  costs or allocation of such costs among PRPs,
solvency of other PRPs,  the results of future  testing and analysis  undertaken
with respect to certain sites or a determination that the Company is potentially
responsible for the release of hazardous substances at other sites, could result
in  expenditures in excess of amounts  currently  estimated by the Company to be
required for such matters. In addition,  with respect to other PRPs and the fact
that the Company may be jointly and severally  liable for the total  remediation
cost at certain  sites,  the Company  could  ultimately be liable for amounts in
excess of its accruals due to, among other things,  reallocation  of costs among
PRPs or the  insolvency  of one or more  PRPs.  No  assurance  can be given that
actual costs will not exceed  accrued  amounts or the upper end of the range for
sites for which  estimates  have been made,  and no assurance  can be given that
costs  will not be  incurred  with  respect  to  sites  as to which no  estimate
presently  can be made.  Further,  there  can be no  assurance  that  additional
environmental matters will not arise in the future. If any such future liability
were  to be  incurred,  it  could  be  material  to the  Company's  consolidated
financial statements, results of operations and liquidity.

     The  Company  records  liabilities  related  to  environmental  remediation
obligations  when  estimated  future  expenditures  are probable and  reasonably
estimable.  Such accruals are adjusted as further  information becomes available
or  circumstances  change.  Estimated  future  expenditures  are  generally  not
discounted to their present value.  Recoveries of  remediation  costs from other
parties, if any, are recognized as assets when their receipt is deemed probable.
At March 31, 2005, no receivables for recoveries have been recognized.

     The exact time frame over which the Company makes  payments with respect to
its accrued  environmental  costs is unknown and is dependent upon,  among other
things,  the timing of the actual  remediation  process  that in part depends on
factors  outside the control of the  Company.  At each balance  sheet date,  the
Company makes an estimate of the amount of its accrued  environmental costs that
will be paid out over the subsequent 12 months,  and the Company classifies such
amount as a current liability.  The remainder of the accrued environmental costs
is classified as a noncurrent liability.

     A summary of the  activity in the  Company's  accrued  environmental  costs
during the first quarter of 2005 is presented in the table below.

                                                                                             (In thousands)

 Balance at the beginning of the period                                                            $76,766
 Additions charged to expense                                                                        2,197
 Payments                                                                                           (3,234)

 Balance at the end of the period                                                                  $75,729

 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet at the end of
  the period:
   Current liability                                                                               $22,761
   Noncurrent liability                                                                             52,968


     NL. On a quarterly basis, NL evaluates the potential range of its liability
at sites  where it has been  named as a PRP or  defendant,  including  sites for
which EMS has contractually  assumed NL's obligation.  At March 31, 2005, NL had
accrued $67  million  for those  environmental  matters  which NL  believes  are
reasonably  estimable.  NL believes it is not  possible to estimate the range of
costs for certain sites. The upper end of the range of reasonably possible costs
to NL for  sites for which NL  believes  it is  possible  to  estimate  costs is
approximately  $91 million.  NL's  estimates of such  liabilities  have not been
discounted to present value.

     At March 31, 2005, there are  approximately 20 sites for which NL is unable
to estimate a range of costs. For these sites, generally the investigation is in
the early stages,  and it is either unknown as to whether or not NL actually had
any  association  with the site,  or if NL had  association  with the site,  the
nature of its responsibility,  if any, for the contamination at the site and the
extent of  contamination.  The timing on when information would become available
to NL to allow NL to estimate a range of loss is unknown and dependent on events
outside the control of NL, such as when the party  alleging  liability  provides
information to NL.

     At March 31, 2005, NL had $14 million in restricted  cash, cash equivalents
and marketable debt  securities  held by special  purpose trusts,  the assets of
which  can  only  be  used  to pay for  certain  of  NL's  future  environmental
remediation  and other  environmental  expenditures.  (December  31,  2004 - $19
million).  Use of  such  restricted  balances  does  not  affect  the  Company's
consolidated net cash flows.

     Tremont.  In  July  2000  Tremont,  entered  into  a  voluntary  settlement
agreement  with the Arkansas  Department  of  Environmental  Quality and certain
other PRPs pursuant to which Tremont and the other PRPs will  undertake  certain
investigatory and interim remedial activities at a former mining site located in
Hot Springs County,  Arkansas.  Tremont  currently  believes that it has accrued
adequate amounts ($2.5 million at March 31, 2005) to cover its share of probable
and reasonably estimable environmental obligations for these activities. Tremont
has entered into an agreement  with another PRP of this site that  provides for,
among other thing, the interim sharing of remediation  costs associated with the
site pending a final  allocation of costs and an agreed-upon  procedure  through
arbitration to determine such final  allocation of costs.  Tremont has based its
accrual  for  this  site  based  upon  the  agreed-upon   interim  cost  sharing
allocation.  Tremont  currently  expects that the nature and extent of any final
remediation measures that might be imposed with respect to this site will not be
known until 2007.  Currently,  no reasonable estimate can be made of the cost of
any such final  remediation  measures,  and  accordingly  Tremont has accrued no
amounts  at March 31,  2005 for any such cost.  The amount  accrued at March 31,
2005 represents Tremont's estimate of the costs to be incurred through 2007 with
respect to the interim remediation measures.

     TIMET. At March 31, 2005, TIMET had accrued  approximately $4.6 million for
environmental  cleanup  matters,  principally  related  to TIMET's  facility  in
Nevada. The upper end of the range of reasonably possible costs related to these
matters is approximately $7 million.

     Other. The Company has also accrued approximately $6.4 million at March 31,
2005 in respect of other environmental cleanup matters. Such accrual is near the
upper end of the range of the Company's  estimate of reasonably  possible  costs
for such matters.

     Other litigation.

     Reference  is made to the 2004 Annual  Report for a  discussion  of certain
other legal proceedings to which the Company is a party.

     NL has been  named as a  defendant  in  various  lawsuits  in a variety  of
jurisdictions,  alleging personal injuries as a result of occupational  exposure
primarily to products manufactured by formerly-owned operations of NL containing
asbestos,  silica and/or mixed dust.  Approximately  500 of these types of cases
involving a total of  approximately  22,000  plaintiffs and their spouses remain
pending. Of these plaintiffs,  approximately 4,700 are represented by four cases
pending in Mississippi state courts and  approximately  5,000 are represented by
four cases that have been removed to federal  court in  Mississippi,  where they
have been,  or are in the process of being,  transferred  to the  multi-district
litigation  pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District
of  Pennsylvania.  NL has not accrued any  amounts for this  litigation  because
liability that might result to NL, if any, cannot be reasonably estimated. Based
on  information  available to NL,  including  facts  concerning  its  historical
operations,  the rate of new claims, the number of claims from which NL has been
dismissed and NL's prior experience in the defense of these matters, NL believes
that  the  range of  reasonably  possible  outcomes  of  these  matters  will be
consistent with NL's  historical  costs with respect to these matters (which are
not material), and no reasonably possible outcome is expected to involve amounts
that are material to NL. NL has and will continue to vigorously  seek  dismissal
from  each  claim  and/or a  finding  of no  liability  by NL in each  case.  In
addition,  from time to time,  NL has  received  notices  regarding  asbestos or
silica  claims  purporting  to be brought  against  former  subsidiaries  of NL,
including   notices  provided  to  insurers  with  which  NL  has  entered  into
settlements  extinguishing  certain insurance policies.  These insurers may seek
indemnification from NL.

     In  addition  to the  litigation  described  above,  the  Company  and  its
affiliates  are also  involved  in  various  other  environmental,  contractual,
product  liability,  patent (or  intellectual  property),  employment  and other
claims and disputes incidental to its present and former businesses.  In certain
cases, the Company has insurance  coverage for such items,  although NL does not
currently   expect  any   additional   material   insurance   coverage  for  its
environmental claims. The Company currently believes that the disposition of all
claims  and  disputes,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  should  not  have a
material  adverse  effect on its  consolidated  financial  position,  results of
operations or liquidity.

        Operating leases.

     As noted in the 2004 Annual  Report,  Kronos'  principal  German  operating
subsidiary,  Kronos  Titan  GmbH,  leases  the land  under its  Leverkusen  TiO2
production  facility pursuant to a lease with Bayer AG that expires in 2050. The
Leverkusen  facility,  with  approximately  one-half  of  Kronos'  current  TiO2
production capacity, is located within Bayer's extensive  manufacturing complex.
Rent for the Leverkusen  facility is periodically  established by agreement with
Bayer for periods of at least two years at a time. The lease agreement  provides
for no formula,  index or other  mechanism to determine  changes in the rent for
the  Leverkusen  facility;  rather,  any change in the rent is subject solely to
periodic  negotiation  between Bayer and Kronos. Any change in the rent based on
such  negotiations is recognized as part of lease expense starting from the time
such  change is agreed upon by both  parties,  as any such change in the rent is
deemed "contingent rentals" under GAAP.

Note 14 - Employee benefit plans:

     Defined  benefit  plans.  Certain  subsidiaries  maintain  various U.S. and
foreign defined benefit pension plans.  Variances from actuarially assumed rates
will result in  increases  or  decreases  in  accumulated  pension  obligations,
pension expense and funding  requirements  in future periods.  The components of
net periodic defined benefit pension cost are presented in the table below.

                                                                                     Three months ended
                                                                                          March 31,
                                                                                  2004                 2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Service cost                                                                    $ 1,669              $ 1,987
 Interest cost                                                                     5,497                5,803
 Expected return on plan assets                                                   (5,266)              (5,744)
 Amortization of prior service cost                                                  141                  154
 Amortization of net transition obligations                                          143                  140
 Recognized actuarial losses                                                       1,078                1,150
                                                                                 -------             --------

                                                                                 $ 3,262              $ 3,490
                                                                                 =======              =======

     Postretirement  benefits other than pensions.  Certain subsidiaries provide
certain health care and life insurance  benefits for eligible retired employees.
Variances from actuarially-assumed  rates will result in additional increases or
decreases in accumulated  OPEB  obligations,  net periodic OPEB cost and funding
requirements  in future  periods.  The  components of net periodic OPEB cost are
presented in the table below.

                                                                                     Three months ended
                                                                                          March 31,
                                                                                  2004                2005
                                                                                       (In thousands)

 Service cost                                                                      $  57              $    55
 Interest cost                                                                       660                  483
 Amortization of prior service credit                                               (255)                (232)
 Recognized actuarial losses (gains)                                                  45                 (142)
                                                                                  ------              -------

                                                                                   $ 507              $   164
                                                                                  ======              =======

Note 15 - Discontinued operations:

     As discussed in the 2004 Annual  Report,  in December 2004 CompX's board of
directors  committed to a formal plan to dispose of its Thomas Regout operations
in The  Netherlands.  Such  operations,  which  previously  were included in the
Company's  component  products  operating  segment  (see Note 2), met all of the
criteria  under GAAP to be  classified as an asset held for sale at December 31,
2004,  and  accordingly  the results of  operations  of Thomas  Regout have been
classified as discontinued operations for all periods presented. The Company has
not reclassified its consolidated balance sheets or statements of cash flows. In
classifying the net assets of the Thomas Regout  operations as an asset held for
sale, the Company  concluded that the carrying  amount of the net assets of such
operations  exceeded  the  estimated  fair  value  less  costs  to  sell of such
operations, and accordingly in the fourth quarter of 2004 the Company recognized
a $6.5 million  impairment  charge to  write-down  its  investment in the Thomas
Regout operations to its estimated net realizable value. Such charge represented
an impairment of goodwill.

     In January 2005,  CompX  completed the sale of such operations for proceeds
(net of expenses) of approximately $22.3 million.  The net proceeds consisted of
approximately  $18.1  million  in cash at the  date of sale  and a $4.2  million
principal amount note receivable from the purchaser  bearing interest at a fixed
rate of 7% and payable over four years. The note receivable is collateralized by
a secondary lien on the assets sold and is subordinated  to certain  third-party
indebtedness of the purchaser.  Accordingly,  the Company no longer includes the
results of operations  of Thomas  Regout  subsequent to December 31, 2004 in its
consolidated  financial statements.  The net proceeds from the January 2005 sale
of Thomas Regout were approximately  $860,000 less than the net realizable value
estimated at the time of the goodwill impairment charge (primarily due to higher
expenses  associated  with the disposal of the Thomas  Regout  operations),  and
discontinued  operations in the first quarter of 2005 includes a charge  related
to  such  differential  ($272,000,  net  of  income  tax  benefit  and  minority
interest).  During the first  quarter  of 2004,  the  Thomas  Regout  operations
reported  net sales of $9.9  million,  operating  income of  $400,000,  interest
expense of $400,000 and a nominal amount of net income.

Note 16 - Accounting principles not yet implemented:

     Inventory costs.  The Company will adopt SFAS No. 151,  Inventory Costs, an
amendment of ARB No. 43,  Chapter 4, for  inventory  costs  incurred on or after
January 1, 2006.  SFAS No. 151 requires that the allocation of fixed  production
overhead costs to inventory shall be based on normal  capacity.  Normal capacity
is not defined as a fixed amount;  rather,  normal capacity refers to a range of
production  levels expected to be achieved over a number of periods under normal
circumstances,  taking into account the loss of capacity  resulting from planned
maintenance  shutdowns.  The amount of fixed overhead  allocated to each unit of
production is not increased as a consequence of idle plant or production  levels
below the low end of normal  capacity,  but instead a portion of fixed  overhead
costs is charged to expense as incurred. Alternatively, in periods of production
above the high end of  normal  capacity,  the  amount  of fixed  overhead  costs
allocated to each unit of  production is decreased so that  inventories  are not
measured above cost.  SFAS No. 151 also clarifies  existing GAAP to require that
abnormal freight and wasted materials (spoilage) are to be expensed as incurred.
The Company  believes its production cost accounting  already  complies with the
requirements  of SFAS No. 151, and the Company does not expect  adoption of SFAS
No. 151 will have a material effect on its consolidated financial statements.

     Stock  options.  As permitted by  regulations  of the SEC, the Company will
adopt SFAS No. 123R,  Share-Based Payment, as of January 1, 2006. SFAS No. 123R,
among other  things,  eliminates  the  alternative  in existing  GAAP to use the
intrinsic value method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation under
APBO No. 25. Upon  adoption of SFAS No.  123R,  the Company  will  generally  be
required to recognize the cost of employee  services received in exchange for an
award of equity  instruments  based on the  grant-date  fair value of the award,
with the cost recognized over the period during which an employee is required to
provide services in exchange for the award (generally, the vesting period of the
award).  No  compensation  cost will be  recognized  in the aggregate for equity
instruments  for  which the  employee  does not  render  the  requisite  service
(generally, if the instrument is forfeited before it has vested). The grant-date
fair value will be estimated using option-pricing models (e.g. Black-Sholes or a
lattice model). Under the transition alternatives permitted under SFAS No. 123R,
the Company  will apply the new  standard to all new awards  granted on or after
January 1, 2006,  and to all awards  existing as of December  31, 2005 which are
subsequently modified, repurchased or cancelled.  Additionally, as of January 1,
2006,  the  Company  will be  required to  recognize  compensation  cost for the
portion of any  non-vested  award  existing  as of  December  31,  2005 over the
remaining vesting period. Because the number of non-vested awards as of December
31,  2005 with  respect to options  granted  by Valhi and its  subsidiaries  and
affiliates is not expected to be material,  the effect of adopting SFAS No. 123R
is not  expected to be  significant  in so far as it relates to  existing  stock
options. Should Valhi or its subsidiaries and affiliates,  however, either grant
a significant number of options or modify, repurchase or cancel existing options
in the future,  the effect on the Company's  consolidated  financial  statements
could be material.

     Impairment of  investments.  In June 2004,  the Emerging  Issues Task Force
("EITF") issued EITF No. 03-01, The Meaning of  Other-Than-Temporary  Impairment
and Its Application to Certain  Investments.  EITF No. 03-01, the effective date
of which  is still  pending  based  upon a  deferral  granted  by the  Financial
Accounting Standards Board, provides guidance for determining when an investment
covered by its scope is  considered  impaired,  whether any  impairment is other
than  temporary and the date when an impairment  loss is to be  recognized.  The
Company does not  currently  expect  compliance  with EITF No. 03-01 will have a
material affect on its consolidated  financial  statements,  whenever it becomes

Note 17 - Stockholders' equity:

     In March 2005, the Company's  board of directors  authorized the repurchase
of up to 5.0 million shares of Valhi's common stock in open market transactions,
including block purchases,  or in privately negotiated  transactions,  which may
include  transactions  with affiliates of Valhi. The stock may be purchased from
time to time as market conditions  permit. The stock repurchase program does not
include  specific  price targets or timetables and may be suspended at any time.
Depending  on  market  conditions,  the  program  could be  terminated  prior to
completion.  The  Company  will  use its  cash on hand to  acquire  the  shares.
Repurchased  shares  will be retired  and  cancelled  or may be added to Valhi's
treasury and used for  employee  benefit  plans,  future  acquisitions  or other
corporate purposes.

     On April 1, 2005,  the Company  purchased 2.0 million  shares of its common
stock, at a discount to the then-current  market price,  from Contran for $17.50
per share or an  aggregate  purchase  price of $35.0  million.  Such shares were
purchased under the stock  repurchase  program.  Valhi's  independent  directors
approved such  purchase.  The Company has also  purchased an additional  254,000
shares of its common stock under the repurchase  program in market  transactions
in April 2005 for an aggregate of $5.0 million.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     The Company reported income from continuing operations of $25.1 million, or
$.21 per diluted share,  in the first quarter of 2005 compared to income of $1.0
million, or $.01 per diluted share, in the first quarter of 2004.

     The  increase in the  Company's  diluted  earnings per share from the first
quarter of 2004  compared to the first  quarter of 2005 is due  primarily to the
net effects of (i) higher  chemicals  operating  income,  (ii) higher  component
products  operating income,  (iii) certain  securities  transaction  gains, (iv)
certain  income tax  benefits  recognized  by TIMET and (v) current and deferred
provisions for income taxes related to the Company's  investment in Kronos.  The
Company  currently  believes  its net income in 2005 will be lower than 2004 due
primarily to the effect of certain  significant  income tax benefits  recognized
primarily in the second quarter of 2004.

     As  provided  by the  safe  harbor  provisions  of the  Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform Act of 1995, the Company cautions that the statements in this
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q relating to matters that are not historical facts,
including,  but not limited to,  statements found in this Item 2 - "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations,"  are
forward-looking  statements that represent  management's beliefs and assumptions
based on currently  available  information.  Forward-looking  statements  can be
identified by the use of words such as "believes,"  "intends,"  "may," "should,"
"could," "anticipates," "expected" or comparable terminology,  or by discussions
of strategies  or trends.  Although the Company  believes that the  expectations
reflected in such forward-looking  statements are reasonable, it cannot give any
assurances that these expectations will prove to be correct.  Such statements by
their  nature   involve   substantial   risks  and   uncertainties   that  could
significantly  impact expected  results,  and actual future results could differ
materially from those described in such forward-looking statements.  While it is
not possible to identify all factors,  the Company  continues to face many risks
and uncertainties.  The factors that could cause actual future results to differ
materially from those described herein are the risks and uncertainties discussed
in this Quarterly  Report and those described from time to time in the Company's
other filings with the SEC include, but are not limited to, the following:

     o    Future supply and demand for the Company's products,
     o    The extent of the dependence of certain of the Company's businesses on
          certain  market  sectors (such as the  dependence of TIMET's  titanium
          metals business on the aerospace industry),
     o    The  cyclicality  of  certain  of the  Company's  businesses  (such as
          Kronos' TiO2 operations and TIMET's titanium metals operations),
     o    The impact of certain long-term  contracts on certain of the Company's
          businesses  (such as the impact of TIMET's  long-term  contracts  with
          certain of its customers and such  customers'  performance  thereunder
          and the  impact of TIMET's  long-term  contracts  with  certain of its
          vendors on its ability to reduce or increase  supply or achieve  lower
     o    Customer  inventory  levels  (such  as the  extent  to  which  Kronos'
          customers  may,  from time to time,  accelerate  purchases  of TiO2 in
          advance of anticipated  price  increases or defer purchases of TiO2 in
          advance of anticipated  price decreases,  or the relationship  between
          inventory  levels of TIMET's  customers  and such  customers'  current
          inventory  requirements  and the impact of such  relationship on their
          purchases from TIMET),
     o    Changes in raw  material  and other  operating  costs  (such as energy
     o    The possibility of labor disruptions,
     o    General global economic and political  conditions  (such as changes in
          the level of gross  domestic  product in various  regions of the world
          and the impact of such  changes on demand  for,  among  other  things,
     o    Competitive products and substitute products,
     o    Customer and competitor strategies,
     o    The impact of pricing and production decisions,
     o    Competitive technology positions,
     o    Fluctuations  in  currency  exchange  rates  (such as  changes  in the
          exchange  rate  between  the U.S.  dollar  and each of the  euro,  the
          Norwegian kroner and the Canadian dollar),
     o    Operating  interruptions   (including,   but  not  limited  to,  labor
          disputes, leaks, fires, explosions,  unscheduled or unplanned downtime
          and transportation interruptions),
     o    The ability of the Company to renew or refinance credit facilities,
     o    Uncertainties associated with new product development (such as TIMET's
          ability to develop new end-uses for its titanium products),
     o    The ultimate outcome of income tax audits, tax settlement  initiatives
          or other tax matters,
     o    The ultimate ability to utilize income tax attributes,  the benefit of
          which has been recognized under the "more-likely-than-not" recognition
          criteria (such as Kronos'  ability to utilize its German net operating
          loss carryforwards),
     o    Environmental  matters (such as those requiring emission and discharge
          standards for existing and new facilities),
     o    Government laws and regulations and possible  changes therein (such as
          changes  in  government   regulations   which  might  impose   various
          obligations  on present and former  manufacturers  of lead pigment and
          lead-based  paint,  including  NL,  with  respect to  asserted  health
          concerns associated with the use of such products),
     o    The  ultimate  resolution  of  pending  litigation  (such as NL's lead
          pigment litigation and litigation surrounding environmental matters of
          NL, Tremont and TIMET), and
     o    Possible future litigation.

Should one or more of these risks  materialize  (or the  consequences  of such a
development  worsen),  or should the  underlying  assumptions  prove  incorrect,
actual results could differ  materially from those  forecasted or expected.  The
Company   disclaims  any  intention  or  obligation  to  update  or  revise  any
forward-looking statement whether as a result of changes in information,  future
events or otherwise.


     Relative changes in Kronos' TiO2 sales and operating income during the 2004
and 2005 periods  presented are  primarily  due to (i) relative  changes in TiO2
average selling prices and (ii) relative  changes in foreign  currency  exchange
rates.  Selling  prices (in  billing  currencies)  for TiO2,  Kronos'  principal
product, were generally: decreasing during the first half of 2004 and increasing
in the last half of 2004 and the first quarter of 2005.

                                                                               Three months ended
                                                                                     March 31,               %
                                                                              2004            2005        Change
                                                                                (In $ millions)

 Net sales                                                                  $263.3          $291.9           +11%
 Operating income                                                             22.2            43.6           +96%

 Ti02 operating statistics:
   Sales volumes*                                                               118          114              -3%
   Production volumes*                                                          117          122              +4%

   Percentage change in Ti02 average selling
     Using actual foreign currency exchange rates                                                            +13%
     Impact of changes in foreign currency
      exchange rates                                                                                          -5%

     In billing currencies                                                                                    +8%

* Thousands of metric tons

     Kronos'  sales  increased  $28.6 million (11%) in the first quarter of 2005
compared to the first  quarter of 2004 due to the net effects of higher  average
TiO2 selling  prices,  lower TiO2 selling  volumes and the  favorable  effect of
fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, which increased chemicals sales
by approximately $11 million,  as further discussed below.  Excluding the effect
of fluctuations  in the value of the U.S.  dollar relative to other  currencies,
Kronos'  average TiO2 selling prices in billing  currencies in the first quarter
of 2005 were 8% higher as compared to the first quarter of 2004. When translated
from billing  currencies to U.S. dollars using actual foreign currency  exchange
rates  prevailing  during the respective  periods,  Kronos' average TiO2 selling
prices in the first quarter of 2005  increased 13% compared to the first quarter
of 2004.

     Kronos' sales are  denominated  in various  currencies,  including the U.S.
dollar,  the euro, other major European  currencies and the Canadian dollar. The
disclosure of the  percentage  change in Kronos'  average TiO2 selling prices in
billing  currencies  (which excludes the effects of fluctuations in the value of
the U.S.  dollar  relative  to other  currencies)  is  considered  a  "non-GAAP"
financial measure under regulations of the SEC. The disclosure of the percentage
change in Kronos'  average TiO2 selling  prices  using actual  foreign  currency
exchange rates prevailing  during the respective  periods is considered the most
directly  comparable  financial measure presented in accordance with GAAP ("GAAP
measure").  Kronos  discloses  percentage  changes in its average TiO2 prices in
billing  currencies  because Kronos  believes such  disclosure  provides  useful
information  to  investors  to allow them to analyze  such  changes  without the
impact of changes in  foreign  currency  exchange  rates,  thereby  facilitating
period-to-period  comparisons of the relative  changes in average selling prices
in the actual various billing currencies. Generally, when the U.S. dollar either
strengthens  or weakens  against  other  currencies,  the  percentage  change in
average  selling  prices  in  billing   currencies  will  be  higher  or  lower,
respectively,  than such percentage changes would be using actual exchange rates
prevailing  during  the  respective  periods.  The  difference  between  the 13%
increase in Kronos' average TiO2 selling prices during the first quarter of 2005
as compared to the first quarter of 2004 using actual foreign currency  exchange
rates prevailing  during the respective  periods (the GAAP measure),  and the 8%
increase in Kronos'  average  TiO2  selling  prices in billing  currencies  (the
non-GAAP measure) during such periods is due to the effect of changes in foreign
currency  exchange  rates.  The above table presents in a tabular format (i) the
percentage  change in Kronos'  average TiO2 selling  prices using actual foreign
currency  exchange  rates  prevailing  during the  respective  periods (the GAAP
measure),  (ii) the percentage  change in Kronos' average TiO2 selling prices in
billing currencies (the non-GAAP measure) and (iii) the percentage change due to
changes in foreign currency  exchange rates (or the reconciling item between the
non-GAAP measure and the GAAP measure).

     Kronos'  TiO2 sales  volumes  in the first  quarter  of 2005  decreased  3%
compared to the first quarter of 2004,  due primarily to lower volumes in export
markets. Demand for TiO2 has remained strong throughout 2004 and 2005, and while
Kronos  believes that the strong demand is largely  attributable  to the end-use
demand of its  customers,  it is possible that some portion of the strong demand
resulted from customers  increasing their inventory levels of TiO2 in advance of
implementation  of announced or anticipated  price increases.  Kronos' operating
income  comparisons were also favorably  impacted by higher  production  levels,
which  increased 4% in the first  quarter of 2005 as compared to the same period
in 2004.  Kronos'  operating rates were near full capacity in both periods,  and
Kronos'  production  volumes in the first  quarter of 2005 were a new record for
Kronos for a first quarter.

     Kronos has  substantial  operations and assets  located  outside the United
States (primarily in Germany,  Belgium, Norway and Canada). A significant amount
of Kronos' sales  generated  from its non-U.S.  operations  are  denominated  in
currencies  other  than the U.S.  dollar,  principally  the  euro,  other  major
European  currencies  and the  Canadian  dollar.  A  portion  of  Kronos'  sales
generated  from its non-U.S.  operations  are  denominated  in the U.S.  dollar.
Certain raw materials,  primarily titanium-containing  feedstocks, are purchased
in U.S.  dollars,  while  labor  and  other  production  costs  are  denominated
primarily in local currencies. Consequently, the translated U.S. dollar value of
Kronos'  foreign  sales and operating  results are subject to currency  exchange
rate fluctuations  which may favorably or adversely impact reported earnings and
may affect the comparability of  period-to-period  operating  results.  Overall,
fluctuations  in the  value of the U.S.  dollar  relative  to other  currencies,
primarily  the euro,  increased  TiO2  sales by a net $11  million  in the first
quarter of 2005 as compared to the first  quarter of 2004.  Fluctuations  in the
value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies similarly impacted Kronos'
foreign  currency-denominated  operating expenses.  Kronos' operating costs that
are not denominated in the U.S. dollar, when translated into U.S. dollars,  were
higher in the first  quarter  of 2005 as  compared  to the same  period in 2004.
Overall,  currency  exchange  rate  fluctuations  resulted  in a net $1  million
increase in Kronos' operating income in the first quarter of 2005 as compared to
the first quarter of 2004.

     Reflecting  the impact of partial  implementation  of prior price  increase
announcements,  Kronos' average TiO2 selling prices in billing currencies in the
first  quarter of 2005 were 4% higher  than the fourth  quarter of 2004.  Kronos
expects its TiO2  production  volumes in 2005 will be  slightly  higher than its
2004  volumes,  with  sales  volumes  comparable  to  slightly  lower in 2005 as
compared to 2004. Kronos' average TiO2 selling prices, which started to increase
during  the  second  half of 2004 and  continued  to  increase  during the first
quarter of 2005,  are expected to continue to increase  during the  remainder of
2005, and consequently Kronos currently expects its average TiO2 selling prices,
in  billing  currencies,  will be  higher  in  2005 as  compared  to  2004.  The
anticipated  higher  selling  prices  in 2005  reflect  the  expected  continued
implementation  of selling price  announcements,  including Kronos' latest price
increases  announced  in March  2005.  The  extent  to which  all of such  price
increases,   and  any  additional   price   increases  which  may  be  announced
subsequently  in 2005,  will be  realized  will depend on,  among other  things,
economic factors.  Overall, Kronos expects it chemicals operating income in 2005
will be higher than 2004,  due  primarily  to higher  expected  selling  prices.
Kronos'  expectations as to the future prospects of Kronos and the TiO2 industry
are based upon a number of factors beyond Kronos' control,  including  worldwide
growth of gross domestic product, competition in the marketplace,  unexpected or
earlier-than-expected  capacity additions and technological  advances. If actual
developments  differ from Kronos'  expectations,  Kronos'  results of operations
could be unfavorably affected.

     Kronos' efforts to debottleneck its production facilities to meet long-term
demand continues to prove  successful.  Such  debottlenecking  efforts included,
among other things,  the addition of back-end  finishing  capacity to be able to
process a larger  quantity of the base TiO2 produced and equipment  upgrades and
enhancements to allow for reduced downtime for maintenance  activities.  Kronos'
production  capacity has increased by approximately  30% over the past ten years
due to debottlenecking programs, with only moderate capital expenditures. Kronos
believes its annual  attainable  production  capacity for 2005 is  approximately
500,000  metric tons,  with some slight  additional  capacity  available in 2006
through its continued debottlenecking efforts.

     Chemicals   operating   income,  as  presented  above,  is  stated  net  of
amortization of Valhi's purchase accounting adjustments made in conjunction with
its acquisitions of its interest in NL and Kronos.  Such  adjustments  result in
additional  depreciation  and  amortization  expense beyond  amounts  separately
reported  by  Kronos.   Such  additional  non-cash  expenses  reduced  chemicals
operating  income, as reported by Valhi, by $4.0 million in the first quarter of
2004 and $4.4 million in the first quarter of 2005.

Component products

                                                                               Three months ended
                                                                                     March 31,               %
                                                                              2004            2005        Change
                                                                                 (In millions)

 Net sales                                                                   $43.6           $46.8            +7%
 Operating income                                                              2.5             4.1           +64%

     Component  products  sales  were  higher  in the first  quarter  of 2005 as
compared to the first  quarter of 2004 due  primarily to higher  selling  prices
across all product lines.  During the first quarter of 2005,  sales of slide and
ergonomic products increased 16% and 10%, respectively,  while sales of security
products  decreased  1%.  The  percentage  changes in both  precision  slide and
ergonomic products include the impact resulting from changes in foreign currency
exchange  rates.  Sales of security  products are generally  denominated in U.S.

     Component  products  operating  income  comparisons  in 2005 were favorably
impacted  by  the  effect  of  certain  cost  reduction  initiatives  previously
undertaken.  Component products operating income comparisons were also favorably
impacted by the net effects of  increases  in the cost of steel (the primary raw
material for CompX's products) and a favorable change in product mix of security

     CompX has  substantial  operations  and assets  located  outside the United
States in Canada  and  Taiwan.  A portion of CompX's  sales  generated  from its
non-U.S.  operations are denominated in currencies  other than the U.S.  dollar,
principally  the  Canadian  dollar and the New Taiwan  dollar.  In  addition,  a
portion of CompX's sales generated from its non-U.S.  operations (principally in
Canada) are denominated in the U.S. dollar. Most raw materials,  labor and other
production costs for such non-U.S. operations are denominated primarily in local
currencies.  Consequently,  the translated U.S. dollar values of CompX's foreign
sales and operating  results are subject to currency  exchange rate fluctuations
which may  favorably  or  unfavorably  impact  reported  earnings and may affect
comparability of period-to-period operating results. During the first quarter of
2005,   currency  exchange  rate  fluctuations  did  not  significantly   affect
comparisons with 2004.

     While  demand  has  stabilized  across  most of CompX's  product  segments,
certain  customers  are  seeking  lower cost Asian  sources as  alternatives  to
CompX's  products.  CompX believes the impact of this will be mitigated  through
its  ongoing   initiatives   to  expand  both  new   products   and  new  market
opportunities.  Asian-sourced  competitive  pricing  pressures  are  expected to
continue to be a challenge as Asian manufacturers, particularly those located in
China,  gain  market  share.  CompX has  responded  to the  competitive  pricing
pressure in part by reducing  production  cost  through  product  reengineering,
improvement  in  manufacturing  processes  or moving  production  to  lower-cost
facilities  including CompX's Asian-based  manufacturing  facilities.  CompX has
also emphasized and focused on  opportunities  where it can provide  value-added
customer support services that Asian-based manufacturers are generally unable to
provide.  CompX believes its  combination of cost control  initiatives  together
with its value-added  approach to development and marketing of products helps to
mitigate the impact of pricing pressures from Asian competitors.

     Additionally,  CompX's  cost for steel  continues to be unstable due to the
continued  high demand and shortages in various parts of the world.  While CompX
has thus far been able to pass a majority of its higher raw material costs on to
its customers through price increases and surcharges, there is no assurance that
it would be able to continue to pass along any  additional  higher  costs to its
customers. The price increases and surcharges may accelerate the efforts of some
of CompX's customers to find less expensive products from foreign manufacturers.
CompX will continue to focus on cost  improvement  initiatives,  utilizing  lean
manufacturing  techniques  and  prudent  balance  sheet  management  in order to
minimize  the  impact  of lower  sales,  particularly  to the  office  furniture
industry,  and to develop value-added customer  relationships with an additional
focus on sales of CompX's  higher-margin  ergonomic  computer support systems to
improve  operating  results.  These  actions,  along  with other  activities  to
eliminate  excess  capacity,  are  designed  to  position  CompX to expand  more
effectively on both new product and new market  opportunities to improve CompX's

 Waste management

                                                                                            Three months ended
                                                                                                  March 31,
                                                                                          2004            2005
                                                                                              (In millions)

 Net sales                                                                                $  .8          $ 2.5
 Operating loss                                                                            (3.2)          (2.8)

     Waste management sales increased,  and its operating loss declined,  in the
first  quarter of 2005 as  compared  to the first  quarter of 2004 due to higher
utilization of waste  management  services,  offset in part by higher  operating
costs.  Waste Control  Specialists  also continues to explore  opportunities  to
obtain certain types of new business (including treatment and storage of certain
types of waste) that, if obtained, could help to further increase its sales, and
decrease its operating loss, in the remainder of 2005.

     Waste  Control  Specialists  currently has permits which allow it to treat,
store and dispose of a broad range of hazardous and toxic  wastes,  and to treat
and store a broad range of low-level  and mixed  low-level  radioactive  wastes.
Certain  sectors of the waste  management  industry are  experiencing a relative
improvement  in the  number of  environmental  remediation  projects  generating
wastes. However, efforts on the part of generators to reduce the volume of waste
and/or manage waste onsite at their  facilities  may result in weaker demand for
Waste Control  Specialists'  waste management  services.  Although Waste Control
Specialists  believes demand appears to be improving,  there is continuing price
pressure for waste management services. While Waste Control Specialists believes
its broad range of authorizations for the treatment and storage of low-level and
mixed  low-level   radioactive   waste  streams  provides  certain   competitive
advantages,  a key element of Waste Control  Specialists'  long-term strategy to
provide  "one-stop  shopping"  for  hazardous,  low-level  and  mixed  low-level
radioactive wastes includes obtaining additional  regulatory  authorizations for
the disposal of low-level and mixed low-level radioactive wastes.

     Prior  to  June  2003,   the  state  law  in  Texas  (where  Waste  Control
Specialists'  disposal  facility is located)  prohibited  the  applicable  Texas
regulatory  agency from  issuing a license for the  disposal of a broad range of
low-level  and  mixed  low-level  radioactive  waste  to  a  private  enterprise
operating a disposal  facility in Texas. In June 2003, a new Texas state law was
enacted that allows Texas Commission on Environmental  Quality ("TCEQ") to issue
a low-level  radioactive  waste disposal  license to a private  entity,  such as
Waste  Control  Specialists.  Waste Control  Specialists  has applied for such a
disposal license with TCEQ, and Waste Control Specialists was the only entity to
submit an application for such a disposal license.  The application was declared
administratively  complete  by the TCEQ in  February  2005.  The  regulatorially
required merit review has been completed,  and the TCEQ will begin its technical
review of the  application  in May 2005. The length of time that it will take to
complete the review and act upon the license application is uncertain,  although
Waste Control  Specialists  does not currently expect the agency would issue any
final  decision on the  license  application  before late 2007.  There can be no
assurance  that Waste  Control  Specialists  will be successful in obtaining any
such license.

     Waste Control  Specialists  applied to the Texas Department of State Health
Services  ("TDSHS") for a license to dispose of byproduct 11.e(2) waste material
in June 2004. Waste Control  Specialists can currently treat and store byproduct
material,  but may not dispose of it. The length of time that TDSHS will take to
review and act upon the license  application  is  uncertain,  but Waste  Control
Specialists  expects  the  TDSHS  will  issue a final  decision  on the  license
application  by the end of 2006.  There can be no assurance  that Waste  Control
Specialists will be successful in obtaining any such license.

     Waste Control  Specialists  is continuing its efforts to increase its sales
volumes from waste  streams that conform to  authorizations  it currently has in
place.  Waste Control  Specialists is also continuing to identify  certain waste
streams,  and attempting to obtain  modifications to its current  permits,  that
would allow for treatment,  storage and disposal of additional  types of wastes.
The ability of Waste Control  Specialists to achieve  increased sales volumes of
these waste  streams,  together with  improved  operating  efficiencies  through
further cost  reductions  and  increased  capacity  utilization,  are  important
factors in Waste Control  Specialists'  ability to achieve  improved cash flows.
The Company  currently  believes Waste Control  Specialists can become a viable,
profitable  operation,  even if Waste Control  Specialists  is  unsuccessful  in
obtaining a license for the  disposal  of a broad range of  low-level  and mixed
low-level  radioactive  wastes.  However,  there can be no assurance  that Waste
Control  Specialists' efforts will prove successful in improving its cash flows.
Valhi has in the past, and may in the future,  consider  strategic  alternatives
with respect to Waste Control  Specialists.  There can be no assurance  that the
Company would not report a loss with respect to any such strategic transaction.

Equity in earnings of TIMET

                                                                                         Three months ended
                                                                                               March 31,
                                                                                       2004            2005
                                                                                           (In millions)

 TIMET historical:
   Net sales                                                                           $120.5         $155.2
                                                                                       ======         ======

   Operating income                                                                    $  3.3         $ 19.4
   Other general corporate, net                                                            .7             .7
   Interest expense                                                                      (4.3)           (.7)
                                                                                       ------         ------

                                                                                          (.3)          19.4

   Income tax benefit(expense)                                                            (.5)          22.9
   Minority interest                                                                      (.4)           (.9)
   Dividends on preferred stock                                                           -             (3.3)
                                                                                       ------         ------

     Net income (loss)                                                                 $ (1.2)        $ 38.1
                                                                                       ======         ======

 Equity in earnings of TIMET                                                           $   .7         $ 16.8
                                                                                       ======         ======

     TIMET  reported  higher sales and operating  income in the first quarter of
2005 as compared to the first  quarter of 2004,  due in part to a 1% increase in
sales  volumes  of melted  products  (ingot and slab),  a 6%  increase  in sales
volumes of mill products and 27% and 19% increases in average selling prices for
melted and mill products, respectively.

     TIMET's operating results in the first quarter of 2004 include $1.9 million
of income  related to a change in TIMET's  vacation  policy.  TIMET's  operating
results  comparisons were favorably  impacted by improved plant operating rates,
which  increased  from  73% in the  first  quarter  of 2004 to 80% in the  first
quarter of 2005, and TIMET's  continued cost  management  efforts.  In addition,
TIMET's operating results  comparisons were negatively  impacted by higher costs
for raw  materials  (scrap and  alloys)  and energy and a $1.2  million  noncash
impairment charge related to certain abandoned manufacturing equipment of TIMET.

     TIMET  periodically  reviews its deferred income tax assets to determine if
future  realization  is more likely than not.  During the first quarter of 2005,
due to a change in  estimate of TIMET's  ability to utilize the  benefits of its
net operating loss carryforwards,  other tax attributes and deductible temporary
differences  in the U.S. and the U.K.,  TIMET  determined  that its net deferred
income  tax  asset in such  jurisdictions  now  meet the  "more-likely-than-not"
recognition  criteria.  Accordingly,  TIMET's  income  tax  benefit in the first
quarter of 2005 includes a $29.9  million  benefit  ($7.9  million,  or $.07 per
diluted  share,  net of minority  interest to Valhi)  related to reversal of the
valuation  allowances  attributable  to such deferred  income tax assets.  TIMET
expects  the  remaining  U.S.  and U.K.  valuation  allowances  (other than with
respect to TIMET's U.S.  capital loss  carryforward)  aggregating  approximately
$15.4 million will be reversed  ratably  during the final three quarters of 2005
in  accordance  with the GAAP  requirements  of  accounting  for income taxes at
interim dates.

     Over the past  several  quarters,  TIMET has seen the  availability  of raw
materials tighten, and, consequently, the prices for such raw material increase.
TIMET  currently  expects that a shortage in raw materials is likely to continue
throughout  2005 and into 2006,  which  could limit  TIMET's  ability to produce
enough titanium products to fully meet customer demand.  In addition,  TIMET has
certain customer long-term  agreements that limit TIMET's ability to pass on all
of its increased raw material costs to all of its customers.  In May 2005, TIMET
announced its plans to expand its existing  titanium  sponge facility in Nevada.
This expansion,  which TIMET currently  expects to complete by the first quarter
of 2007, will provide the capacity to produce an additional 3,600 metric tons of
sponge  annually,  an increase of  approximately  40% over the current  capacity
levels.  In the nearer term, the continued  tightening TIMET is currently seeing
in the  availability  of titanium  sponge and scrap is leading TIMET to evaluate
the  possible  need to  allocate  the  available  supply of its  products  among
customers  on a fair and  reasonable  basis until these raw  material  shortages

     TIMET currently expects its 2005 sales will range from $700 million to $730
million,  which is higher than TIMET's  previous  expectations  due primarily to
higher expected  average selling prices.  TIMET's cost of sales is affected by a
number of factors  including  customer and product mix,  material yields,  plant
operating rates, raw material costs, labor and energy costs. Raw material costs,
which include sponge, scrap and alloys, represent the largest portion of TIMET's
manufacturing  cost  structure,   and,  as  previously  discussed,   significant
continued  raw material  cost  increases  are expected to continue  during 2005.
Scrap and certain alloy prices have more than doubled from year ago prices,  and
increased energy costs also continue to have negative impact on gross margin.

     TIMET currently expects its production volumes will continue to increase in
2005, with overall capacity  utilization expected to approximate 80% in 2005 (as
compared to 75% in 2004).  However,  practical capacity utilization measures can
vary significantly based on product mix.

     TIMET  anticipates that Boeing will purchase a significantly  higher amount
of metal during 2005 as compared to 2004 and,  therefore,  expects the amount of
take-or-pay  income  recognized  during 2005 to  decrease to about $17  million.
Overall,  TIMET presently  expects its operating income for 2005 will be between
$70 million to $85 million. Dividends on TIMET's Series A Preferred Stock should
approximate  $13.2 million in 2005,  with TIMET  currently  expecting net income
attributable  to common  stockholders  to range from $80 million to $95 million.
TIMET's net income  estimates  include a net $12.6  million  non-operating  gain
currently expected to be recognized in the second quarter of 2005 related to the
sale of certain  real  property  adjacent  to  TIMET's  Nevada  facility,  which
transaction  closed in the fourth quarter of 2004.  TIMET's net income estimates
also  include the benefit of reversing  the  remaining  U.S. and U.K.  valuation
allowances  (other than with respect to TIMET's U.S. capital loss  carryforward)
aggregating $15.4 million during the remainder of 2005, as discussed above.

     The Company  accounts for its interest in TIMET by the equity  method.  The
Company's  equity in earnings of TIMET  differs  from the amounts  that would be
expected  by   applying   the   Company's   ownership   percentage   to  TIMET's
separately-reported  earnings  because of the effect of amortization of purchase
accounting  adjustments  made by the Company in  conjunction  with the Company's
acquisitions of its interests in TIMET.  Amortization of such basis  differences
generally  increases  earnings  (or  reduces  losses)  attributable  to TIMET as
reported by the  Company,  and  aggregated  $1.2 million and $1.3 million in the
first quarter of 2004 and 2005, respectively.

General corporate and other items

     General corporate interest and dividend income.  General corporate interest
and dividend  income in the first  quarter of 2005 was higher as compared to the
first  quarter of 2004 due  primarily to a higher level of funds  available  for
investment.  A significant  portion of the Company's general corporate  interest
and dividend income relates to distributions received from The Amalgamated Sugar
Company LLC and interest income on the Company's $80 million loan to Snake River
Sugar  Company.  See  Notes 3 and 7 to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.
Aggregate  general  corporate  interest and dividend  income in the remainder of
2005 is currently  expected to be comparable  to slightly  higher as compared to
the same periods in 2004, with  distributions from The Amalgamated Sugar Company
LLC in 2005 expected to be comparable to the aggregate amount received in 2004.

     Securities  transactions.  Net securities  transactions  gains in the first
quarter of 2005 relate  principally  to a $14.6 million gain ($6.6  million,  or
$.05 per diluted share,  net of income taxes and minority  interest)  related to
NL's sale of shares of Kronos common stock in market  transactions.  See Notes 2
and 8 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

     In April 2005,  Kronos sold its  passive  interest in a Norwegian  smelting
operation,  which had a nominal carrying value for financial reporting purposes,
for   approximately   $5  million.   Kronos  expects  to  recognize  a  gain  of
approximately $5 million related to such sale in the second quarter of 2005.

     General corporate  expenses.  Net general  corporate  expenses in the first
quarter of 2005 were $800,000 lower than the first quarter of 2004 due primarily
to lower  environmental  remediation  and  legal  expenses  of NL.  Net  general
corporate  expenses  in  calendar  2005 are  currently  expected to be higher as
compared to calendar  2004,  primarily  due to higher  expected  litigation  and
related  expenses of NL for the  remainder  of 2005.  However,  obligations  for
environmental  remediation obligations are difficult to assess and estimate, and
no assurance can be given that actual costs will not exceed  accrued  amounts or
that costs will not be incurred in the future with respect to sites for which no
estimate of liability  can  presently be made.  See Note 13 to the  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

     Interest  expense.  The Company has a  significant  amount of  indebtedness
denominated   in   the   euro,   including   Kronos   International's    ("KII")
euro-denominated Senior Secured Notes (euro 375 million outstanding at March 31,
2005). Accordingly,  the reported amount of interest expense will vary depending
on relative changes in foreign currency exchange rates.  Interest expense in the
first  quarter of 2005 was higher than the same period of 2004 due  primarily to
the interest  expense  associated  with the  additional  euro 90 million  Senior
Secured  Notes issued in November  2004.  In addition,  the increase in interest
expense was due to relative  changes in foreign currency  exchange rates,  which
increased the U.S. dollar equivalent of interest expense on the euro 285 million
principal amount of KII Senior Secured Notes outstanding  during both periods by
approximately $500,000.

     Assuming interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates do not increase
significantly from current levels,  interest expense in the remainder of 2005 is
currently  expected to be higher than the same periods of 2004 due  primarily to
the effect of the issuance of an additional euro 90 million  principal amount of
KII Senior Secured Notes in November 2004.

     Provision  for income  taxes.  The  principal  reasons  for the  difference
between the Company's  effective income tax rates and the U.S. federal statutory
income  tax  rates  are  explained  in  Note  11 to the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements. As discussed in Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, the
Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been  restated,  including
significant  changes in the Company's  previously-reported  provision for income

     As previously disclosed, the Company commenced to recognize deferred income
taxes with respect to the excess of the financial reporting carrying amount over
the income tax basis of Valhi's  investment in Kronos beginning in December 2003
following  NL's pro-data  distribution  of shares of Kronos common stock to NL's
shareholders,  including  Valhi.  The aggregate  amount of such deferred  income
taxes  included in the Company's  provision for income taxes was $1.9 million in
the first  quarter  of 2004 and $4.1  million in the first  quarter of 2005.  In
addition,  the Company's provision for income taxes in the first quarter of 2004
and the first  quarter of 2005  includes an  aggregate  $598,000  and  $664,000,
respectively,  for the current income tax effect related to NL's distribution of
such shares of Kronos common stock to NL's shareholders other than Valhi.

     At March 31,  2005,  Kronos has the  equivalent  of $633  million  and $205
million of income tax loss  carryforwards  for  German  corporate  and trade tax
purposes,  respectively,  all of which have no  expiration  date.  As more fully
described in the 2004 Annual Report, during 2004 Kronos concluded the benefit of
such net  carryforwards  met the  more-likely-than-not  recognition  criteria of
GAAP,  and  accordingly  in 2004 Kronos  reversed the deferred  income tax asset
valuation  allowance  related  to  such  German   carryforwards  and  other  net
deductible temporary differences related to Germany. Because the benefit of such
net operating loss carryforwards and other deductible  temporary  differences in
Germany has now been recognized, the Company's effective income tax rate in 2005
is higher than its effective  income tax rate in 2004,  although its current and
future cash income tax rate was not  affected by the  reversal of the  valuation
allowance.  Prior  to the  complete  utilization  of such  carryforwards,  it is
possible that the Company might  conclude in the future that the benefit of such
carryforwards  would  no  longer  meet  the   more-likely-than-not   recognition
criteria,  at which point the Company would be required to recognize a valuation
allowance   against  the   then-remaining   tax  benefit   associated  with  the

     Minority interest.  See Note 12 to the Consolidated  Financial  Statements.
Minority   interest   in  NL's   subsidiary   relates  to  NL's   majority-owned
environmental management subsidiary,  NL Environmental Management Services, Inc.
("EMS").  EMS was established in 1998, at which time EMS  contractually  assumed
certain of NL's  environmental  liabilities.  EMS' earnings are based,  in part,
upon its ability to favorably  resolve these  liabilities on an aggregate basis.
The  shareholders  of EMS,  other than NL,  actively  manage  the  environmental
liabilities  and  share in 39% of EMS'  cumulative  earnings.  NL  continues  to
consolidate EMS and provides accruals for the reasonably estimable costs for the
settlement of EMS' environmental liabilities.

     Discontinued  operations.   See  Note  15  to  the  Consolidated  Financial

     Accounting principles not yet implemented.  See Note 16 to the Consolidated
Financial Statements.



     The  Company's  primary  source of liquidity on an ongoing  short-term  and
long-term basis is its cash flows from operating activities,  which is generally
used to (i)  fund  capital  expenditures,  (ii)  repay  short-term  indebtedness
incurred  primarily  for  working  capital  purposes  and (iii)  provide for the
payment of dividends (including dividends paid to Valhi by its subsidiaries). In
addition,  from time-to-time the Company will incur  indebtedness,  generally to
(i) fund short-term working capital needs, (ii) refinance existing indebtedness,
(iii)  make  investments  in  marketable  and other  securities  (including  the
acquisition of securities  issued by subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company)
or (iv) fund major  capital  expenditures  or the  acquisition  of other  assets
outside  the  ordinary   course  of  business.   Also,  the  Company  will  from
time-to-time  sell assets outside the ordinary course of business,  the proceeds
of which  are  generally  used to (i)  repay  existing  indebtedness  (including
indebtedness  which may have been  collateralized by the assets sold), (ii) make
investments  in  marketable  and other  securities,  (iii)  fund  major  capital
expenditures  or the  acquisition of other assets outside the ordinary course of
business, (iv) pay dividends or (v) repurchase shares of its common stock.

     At March 31, 2005, the Company's third-party indebtedness was substantially
comprised of (i) Valhi's  $250  million of loans from Snake River Sugar  Company
due in 2027, (ii) Kronos International's  euro-denominated  Senior Secured Notes
(equivalent of $485 million principal amount  outstanding) due in 2009 and (iii)
Kronos International's European credit facility (the equivalent of $12.9 million
outstanding) due in June 2005. Kronos International expects to seek a renewal of
its European credit facility during the second quarter of 2005. Accordingly, the
Company does not currently  expect that a  significant  amount of its cash flows
from operating  activities  generated during 2005 will be required to be used to
repay indebtedness during 2005.

     Based  upon the  Company's  expectations  for the  industries  in which its
subsidiaries  and  affiliates  operate,  and  the  anticipated  demands  on  the
Company's  cash  resources  as  discussed  herein,  the Company  expects to have
sufficient  liquidity  to meet its  obligations  including  operations,  capital
expenditures, debt service current dividend policy and repurchases of its common
stock.  To the  extent  that  actual  developments  differ  from  the  Company's
expectations, the Company's liquidity could be adversely affected.

Consolidated cash flows

     Operating  activities.  Trends  in cash  flows  from  operating  activities
(excluding the impact of significant asset  dispositions and relative changes in
assets  and  liabilities)  are  generally  similar  to trends  in the  Company's
earnings. However, certain items included in the determination of net income are
non-cash,  and therefore  such items have no impact on cash flows from operating
activities.  Non-cash items included in the  determination of net income include
depreciation  and  amortization  expense,   non-cash  interest  expense,   asset
impairment  charges and  unrealized  securities  transactions  gains and losses.
Non-cash  interest  expense  relates  principally  to  Kronos  and  consists  of
amortization of original issue discount or premium on certain  indebtedness  and
amortization of deferred financing costs.

     Certain other items included in the determination of net income may have an
impact on cash flows from operating activities,  but the impact of such items on
cash  flows from  operating  activities  will  differ  from their  impact on net
income. For example, equity in earnings of affiliates will generally differ from
the amount of distributions received from such affiliates,  and equity in losses
of affiliates does not  necessarily  result in current cash outlays paid to such
affiliates.  The amount of periodic  defined  benefit  pension  plan expense and
periodic  OPEB  expense  depends  upon a number of  factors,  including  certain
actuarial assumptions,  and changes in such actuarial assumptions will result in
a change in the  reported  expense.  In  addition,  the amount of such  periodic
expense  generally  differs from the  outflows of cash  required to be currently
paid  for  such  benefits.  Also,  proceeds  from  the  disposal  of  marketable
securities  classified as trading securities are reported as a component of cash
flows from operating  activities,  and such proceeds will generally  differ from
the amount of the related gain or loss on disposal.

     Certain  other items  included in the  determination  of net income have no
impact on cash flows from  operating  activities,  but such items do impact cash
flows  from  investing  activities  (although  their  impact on such cash  flows
differs from their impact on net income). For example, realized gains and losses
from the disposal of  available-for-sale  marketable  securities  and long-lived
assets are included in the  determination  of net income,  although the proceeds
from  any  such  disposal  are  shown  as  part  of cash  flows  from  investing

     Changes in product pricing,  production volumes and customer demand,  among
other things,  can significantly  affect the liquidity of the Company.  Relative
changes  in  assets  and  liabilities   generally  result  from  the  timing  of
production,  sales, purchases and income tax payments. Such relative changes can
significantly  impact the comparability of cash flow from operations from period
to period, as the income statement impact of such items may occur in a different
period from when the  underlying  cash  transaction  occurs.  For  example,  raw
materials may be purchased in one period, but the payment for such raw materials
may  occur  in a  subsequent  period.  Similarly,  inventory  may be sold in one
period,  but the cash  collection  of the  receivable  may occur in a subsequent
period.  Relative  changes in accounts  receivable  are affected by, among other
things,  the timing of sales and the  collection  of the  resulting  receivable.
Relative changes in inventories,  accounts  payable and accrued  liabilities are
affected by, among other  things,  the timing of raw material  purchases and the
payment  for such  purchases  and the  relative  difference  between  production
volumes and sales volumes.  Relative changes in accrued  environmental costs are
affected  by,  among  other  things,  the  period  in which  recognition  of the
environmental  accrual is  recognized  and the  period in which the  remediation
expenditure is actually made.

     Cash flows from operating activities decreased from a generation of cash of
$5.7 million in the first  quarter of 2004 to a use of cash of $10.5  million in
the first  quarter of 2005.  This $16.2 million net decrease is due primarily to
the net  effects  of (i) higher net  income of $23.8  million,  (ii)  higher net
securities  transaction  gains of $14.6  million,  (iii) a higher  provision for
deferred income taxes of $20.0 million,  (iv) higher  minority  interest of $3.5
million, (v) higher equity in earnings of TIMET of $16.1 million, (vi) lower net
cash distributions  from the TiO2  manufacturing  joint venture of $2.7 million,
(vii) higher net cash paid for income taxes of $22.5 million,  due in large part
to a $20.1 million tax refund received by Kronos in 2004.

     Valhi  does not have  complete  access to the cash  flows of certain of its
subsidiaries  and  affiliates,  in part due to limitations  contained in certain
credit  agreements as well as the fact that such subsidiaries and affiliates are
not 100%  owned by Valhi.  A detail of  Valhi's  consolidated  cash  flows  from
operating  activities is presented in the table below.  Eliminations  consist of
intercompany dividends (most of which are paid to Valhi Parent and NL Parent).

                                                                                          Three months ended
                                                                                             March 31,
                                                                                         2004            2005
                                                                                            (In millions)

Cash provided (used) by operating activities:
  Kronos                                                                               $ 19.1          $ (5.0)
  CompX                                                                                   3.4             1.9
  Waste Control Specialists                                                              (2.2)           (2.5)
  NL Parent                                                                                .6            (4.5)
  Tremont                                                                                 (.4)            (.7)
  Valhi Parent                                                                            9.7            13.4
  Other                                                                                   (.1)            -
  Eliminations                                                                          (24.4)          (13.1)
                                                                                       ------          ------

                                                                                       $  5.7          $(10.5)
                                                                                       ======          ======

     Investing  and  financing  activities.  Approximately  43% of the Company's
consolidated capital expenditures in the first quarter of 2005 relate to Kronos,
42%  relate  to CompX and  substantially  all of the  remainder  relate to Waste
Control  Specialists.  During  the first  quarter of 2005,  (i) Valhi  purchased
shares of TIMET common stock in market  transactions for $11.5 million,  (ii) NL
sold shares of Kronos common stock in market transactions for $19 million, (iii)
CompX received a net $18.1 million from the sale of its Thomas Regout operations
(which had  approximately  $4.0 million of cash at the date of  disposal),  (iv)
Valhi loaned a net $900,000 to Contran and (v) the Company made net purchases of
marketable  securities of $9.7 million.  See Notes 2 and 15 to the  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

     Valhi, which increased is regular quarterly dividend from $.06 per share to
$.10 per share in the first quarter of 2005,  paid  aggregate  cash dividends of
$12.4 million in the first quarter of 2005.  Distributions to minority  interest
in the first  quarter of 2005 are primarily  comprised of Kronos cash  dividends
paid to  shareholders  other  than  Valhi  and NL and  CompX  dividends  paid to
shareholders  other than NL. Other cash flows from financing  activities  relate
primarily  to proceeds  from the  issuance of NL,  CompX and Valhi  common stock
issued upon exercise of stock options.

     At March 31, 2005, unused credit available under existing credit facilities
approximated $287.6 million, which was comprised of: CompX - $47.5 million under
its revolving  credit  facility;  Kronos - $89 million under its European credit
facility,  $11 million under its Canadian credit facility, $40 million under its
U.S. credit facility and $3 million under other non-U.S. facilities; and Valhi -
$97.1 million under its revolving bank credit facility.

     Provisions  contained in certain of the Company's  credit  agreements could
result in the  acceleration of the applicable  indebtedness  prior to its stated
maturity  for reasons  other than  defaults  from failing to comply with typical
financial covenants.  For example, certain credit agreements allow the lender to
accelerate  the  maturity  of the  indebtedness  upon a change  of  control  (as
defined) of the borrower.  The terms of Valhi's  revolving bank credit  facility
could require Valhi to either reduce outstanding borrowings or pledge additional
collateral in the event the fair value of the existing pledged  collateral falls
below specified levels.  In addition,  certain credit agreements could result in
the  acceleration  of all or a portion of the  indebtedness  following a sale of
assets outside the ordinary  course of business.  Other than  operating  leases,
neither  Valhi nor any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates  are  parties to any
off-balance sheet financing arrangements.

Chemicals - Kronos

     At March 31, 2005,  Kronos had cash,  cash  equivalents and marketable debt
securities of $42.1 million,  including restricted balances of $3.7 million, and
Kronos had  approximately  $143 million  available for borrowing under its U.S.,
Canadian and European credit facilities. Based upon Kronos' expectations for the
TiO2  industry and  anticipated  demands on Kronos' cash  resources as discussed
herein,  Kronos  expects  to  have  sufficient  liquidity  to  meet  its  future
obligations including operations, capital expenditures, debt service and current
dividend  policy.  To the extent that actual  developments  differ from  Kronos'
expectations, Kronos' liquidity could be adversely affected.

     At March 31, 2005,  Kronos'  outstanding  debt was  comprised of (i) $493.0
million  related to KII's Senior  Secured Notes,  (ii) $12.9 million  related to
Kronos  International's  European  revolving  bank  credit  facility  and  (iii)
approximately $292,000 of other indebtedness.

     Pricing  within the TiO2  industry  is  cyclical,  and  changes in industry
economic  conditions  significantly  impact Kronos'  earnings and operating cash
flows.  Cash flows from operations is considered the primary source of liquidity
for Kronos.  Changes in TiO2 pricing,  production  volumes and customer  demand,
among other things, could significantly affect the liquidity of Kronos.

     See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for certain income tax
examinations  currently  underway with respect to certain of Kronos'  income tax
returns in  various  U.S.  and  non-U.S.  jurisdictions,  and see Note 13 to the
Consolidated Financial Statements with respect to certain legal proceedings with
respect to Kronos.

     Certain of the Kronos'  sales  generated  by its  non-U.S.  operations  are
denominated in U.S. dollars. Kronos periodically uses currency forward contracts
to manage a very nominal  portion of foreign  exchange rate risk associated with
receivables  denominated  in a  currency  other  than  the  holder's  functional
currency or similar exchange rate risk associated with future sales.  Kronos has
not entered  into these  contracts  for trading or  speculative  purposes in the
past,  nor does Kronos  currently  anticipate  entering into such  contracts for
trading  or  speculative  purposes  in the  future.  Derivatives  used to  hedge
forecasted transactions and specific cash flows associated with foreign currency
denominated  financial assets and liabilities  which meet the criteria for hedge
accounting  are  designated  as cash flow hedges.  Consequently,  the  effective
portion of gains and losses is  deferred  as a component  of  accumulated  other
comprehensive  income and is  recognized in earnings at the time the hedged item
affects  earnings.  Contracts that do not meet the criteria for hedge accounting
are  marked-to-market at each balance sheet date with any resulting gain or loss
recognized in income currently as part of net currency  transactions.  To manage
such  exchange  rate risk,  at March 31,  2005,  Kronos held a  contract,  which
matured in April  2005,  to  exchange  an  aggregate  of U.S.  $5 million for an
equivalent amount of Canadian dollars at an exchange rate of Cdn. $1.24 per U.S.
dollar.  At March 31, 2005,  the actual  exchange  rate was Cdn.  $1.21 per U.S.
dollar.  The estimated fair value of such foreign currency forward  contracts at
March 31, 2005 is insignificant.

     Kronos  International's  assets  consist  primarily of  investments  in its
operating subsidiaries, and its ability to service its parent level obligations,
including the Senior Secured Notes,  depends in large part upon the distribution
of earnings of its subsidiaries,  whether in the form of dividends,  advances or
payments  on account  of  intercompany  obligation,  or  otherwise.  None of its
subsidiaries   have  guaranteed  the  Senior  Secured  Notes,   although  Kronos
International has pledged 65% of the common stock or other ownership interest of
certain of its first-tier  operating  subsidiaries  as collateral of such Senior
Secured Notes.

     As disclosed in the 2004 Annual Report,  Kronos International may redeem up
to 35% of the  Senior  Secured  Notes on or  before  June 30,  2005 with the net
proceeds of a qualified  public  offering of equity  securities of either Kronos
International or Kronos Worldwide.  Kronos International  currently has no plans
to so redeem the Senior  Secured  Notes,  although  until the June 30, 2005 date
passes, it retains the right to so redeem the Senior Secured Notes.

     Based upon  Kronos'  expectations  for the TiO2  industry  and  anticipated
demand  for its cash  resources  as  discussed  herein,  Kronos  expects to have
sufficient  short-term and long-term liquidity to meet its obligations including
operations, capital expenditures, debt service and dividends. To the extent that
actual developments differ from Kronos' expectations, Kronos' liquidity could be
adversely affected.

     Kronos periodically evaluates its liquidity requirements,  alternative uses
of capital,  capital needs and availability of resources in view of, among other
things,  its  dividend  policy,   its  debt  service  and  capital   expenditure
requirements  and estimated  future  operating  cash flows.  As a result of this
process, Kronos has in the past and may in the future seek to reduce, refinance,
repurchase or restructure  indebtedness,  raise additional  capital,  repurchase
shares of its common stock,  modify its dividend policy,  restructure  ownership
interests, sell interests in subsidiaries or other assets, or take a combination
of such steps or other steps to manage its liquidity and capital  resources.  In
the normal  course of its  business,  Kronos may  review  opportunities  for the
acquisition,  divestiture,  joint venture or other business  combinations in the
chemicals or other  industries,  as well as the acquisition of interests in, and
loans to, related  entities.  In the event of any such  transaction,  Kronos may
consider  using  available  cash,   issuing  equity   securities  or  increasing
indebtedness  to the  extent  permitted  by  the  agreements  governing  Kronos'
existing debt.

     Kronos has  substantial  operations  located  outside the United States for
which the functional  currency is not the U.S. dollar. As a result, the reported
amounts of Kronos' assets and  liabilities  related to its non-U.S.  operations,
and therefore Kronos' consolidated net assets, will fluctuate based upon changes
in currency exchange rates.

NL Industries

     At March 31, 2005, NL (exclusive of CompX) had cash,  cash  equivalents and
marketable debt securities of $114.5 million,  including  restricted balances of
$17.5 million.  Of such restricted  balances,  $14.0 million was held by special
purpose trusts,  the assets of which can only be used to pay for certain of NL's
future environmental remediation and other environmental expenditures.  See Note
13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

     See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for certain income tax
examinations  currently  underway  with  respect to  certain of NL's  income tax
returns,  and see Note 13 to the Consolidated  Financial Statements and Part II,
Item 1,  "Legal  Proceedings"  with  respect to certain  legal  proceedings  and
environmental matters with respect to NL.

     In  addition  to  those  legal  proceedings  described  in  Note  13 to the
Consolidated  Financial  Statements,   various  legislation  and  administrative
regulations  have,  from time to time,  been  proposed  that seek to (i)  impose
various  obligations  on present and former  manufacturers  of lead  pigment and
lead-based paint with respect to health concerns associated with the use of such
products and (ii)  effectively  overturn  court  decisions in which NL and other
pigment   manufacturers   have  been  successful.   Examples  of  such  proposed
legislation  include bills which would permit civil liability for damages on the
basis of market  share,  rather  than  requiring  plaintiffs  to prove  that the
defendant's  product  caused the alleged  damage,  and bills which would  revive
actions  barred  by  the  statute  of  limitations.   While  no  legislation  or
regulations  have been  enacted  to date that are  expected  to have a  material
adverse effect on NL's consolidated financial position, results of operations or
liquidity,  imposition of market share liability or other legislation could have
such an effect.

     NL  previously  filed an action  against  certain of its  former  insurance
carriers for  coverage  with  respect to defense  costs  related to certain lead
pigment  litigation  matters.  This action was settled in 2000. NL is continuing
discussions with certain former insurance  carriers for coverage with respect to
defense costs related to NL's remaining past and present lead pigment litigation
matters. Whether insurance coverage for defense costs will be found to exist for
lead  pigment  litigation  depends on a variety of factors,  and there can be no
assurance  that NL will be  successful  in obtaining  reimbursement  for past or
future defense costs. NL has not considered any potential  insurance  recoveries
for lead pigment litigation in determining related accruals.  Any such insurance
recoveries would be recognized when their receipt is deemed probable.

     NL periodically evaluates its liquidity  requirements,  alternative uses of
capital,  capital  needs and  availability  of resources in view of, among other
things,  its  dividend  policy,   its  debt  service  and  capital   expenditure
requirements  and estimated  future  operating  cash flows.  As a result of this
process,  NL has in the past and may in the future  seek to  reduce,  refinance,
repurchase or restructure  indebtedness,  raise additional  capital,  repurchase
shares of its common stock,  modify its dividend policy,  restructure  ownership
interests, sell interests in subsidiaries or other assets, or take a combination
of such steps or other steps to manage its liquidity and capital  resources.  In
the  normal  course  of  its  business,  NL may  review  opportunities  for  the
acquisition,  divestiture,  joint venture or other business  combinations in the
chemicals or other  industries,  as well as the acquisition of interests in, and
loans  to,  related  entities.  In the  event  of any such  transaction,  NL may
consider using its available cash,  issuing its equity  securities or increasing
its  indebtedness  to the extent  permitted  by the  agreements  governing  NL's
existing debt.

Component products - CompX International

     CompX  received  approximately  $18.1  million  cash (net of  expenses)  in
January 2005 upon the sale of its Thomas Regout  operations in The  Netherlands.
See Note 15 to the Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  CompX believes that its
cash on hand,  together  with  cash  generated  from  operations  and  borrowing
availability under its bank credit facility,  will be sufficient to meet CompX's
liquidity  needs for working  capital,  capital  expenditures,  debt service and
dividends.  To the extent that CompX's actual operating  results or developments
differ from CompX's expectations, CompX's liquidity could be adversely affected.
CompX,  which had suspended its regular quarterly dividend of $.125 per share in
the second  quarter of 2003,  reinstated its regular  quarterly  dividend at the
$.125 per share rate in the fourth quarter of 2004.

     Certain of the CompX's  sales  generated  by its  non-U.S.  operations  are
denominated in U.S. dollars.  CompX periodically uses currency forward contracts
to manage a portion of foreign  exchange rate risk associated  with  receivables
denominated in a currency other than the holder's functional currency or similar
exchange  rate risk  associated  with future  sales.  CompX has not entered into
these contracts for trading or speculative  purposes in the past, nor does CompX
currently  anticipate  entering into such  contracts for trading or  speculative
purposes in the future.  Derivatives used to hedge  forecasted  transactions and
specific  cash flows  associated  with foreign  currency  denominated  financial
assets  and  liabilities  which  meet the  criteria  for  hedge  accounting  are
designated as cash flow hedges. Consequently, the effective portion of gains and
losses is deferred as a component of accumulated other comprehensive  income and
is  recognized  in  earnings  at the  time the  hedged  item  affects  earnings.
Contracts   that  do  not  meet  the   criteria   for   hedge   accounting   are
marked-to-market  at each  balance  sheet date with any  resulting  gain or loss
recognized in income currently as part of net currency  transactions.  To manage
such  exchange  rate risk,  at March 31, 2005,  CompX held a series of contracts
maturing  through May 2005 to exchange an aggregate of U.S.  $2.5 million for an
equivalent amount of Canadian dollars at an exchange rates of Cdn. $1.20 to Cdn.
$1.23 per U.S.  dollar.  At March 31, 2005,  the actual  exchange  rate was Cdn.
$1.21 per U.S. dollar. The estimated fair value of such foreign currency forward
contracts at March 31, 2005 is insignificant.

     CompX periodically evaluates its liquidity  requirements,  alternative uses
of  capital,  capital  needs and  available  resources  in view of,  among other
things,  its capital  expenditure  requirements,  dividend  policy and estimated
future operating cash flows. As a result of this process,  CompX has in the past
and may in the future seek to raise additional capital, refinance or restructure
indebtedness,   issue  additional   securities,   modify  its  dividend  policy,
repurchase  shares of its common  stock or take a  combination  of such steps or
other steps to manage its liquidity and capital resources.  In the normal course
of business,  CompX may review  opportunities  for  acquisitions,  divestitures,
joint  ventures  or  other  business  combinations  in  the  component  products
industry.  In the event of any such transaction,  CompX may consider using cash,
issuing  additional equity securities or increasing the indebtedness of CompX or
its subsidiaries.

Waste management - Waste Control Specialists

     At March  31,  2005,  Waste  Control  Specialists'  indebtedness  consisted
principally of $14.8 million of borrowings owed to a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Valhi (December 31, 2004 intercompany  indebtedness - $4.6 million).  During the
first quarter of 2005, a subsidiary  of Valhi loaned an additional  net of $10.2
million  to  Waste  Control  Specialists,  which  were  used  by  Waste  Control
Specialists  primarily to fund its operating loss and its capital  expenditures.
Such  indebtedness  is  eliminated  in  the  Company's   Consolidated  Financial
Statements.  Waste Control  Specialists  will likely borrow  additional  amounts
during the remainder of 2005 from such Valhi subsidiary under the terms of a $15
million revolving credit facility that matures in March 2006.


     At March 31, 2005, TIMET had $110 million of borrowing  availability  under
its various U.S. and European credit agreements.

     See Note 13 to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for certain  legal
proceedings,  environmental  matters  and other  contingencies  associated  with
TIMET.  While  TIMET  currently  believes  that the  outcome  of these  matters,
individually  and in the aggregate,  will not have a material  adverse effect on
TIMET's consolidated financial position,  liquidity or overall trends in results
of operations,  all such matters are subject to inherent uncertainties.  Were an
unfavorable  outcome to occur in any given period,  it is possible that it could
have a material adverse impact on TIMET's  consolidated results of operations or
cash flows in a particular period.

     In May 2005,  TIMET  announced  it plans to expand  its  existing  titanium
sponge  facility in Nevada.  This expansion,  which TIMET  currently  expects to
complete by the first quarter of 2007 and cost on aggregate of $38 million, will
provide  the  capacity  to produce an  additional  4,000  metric  tons of sponge
annually,  an increase of approximately  42% over the current sponge  production
capacity  levels at its Nevada  facility.  Including  an  estimated  $25 million
related to this sponge  expansion,  TIMET current expects its aggregate  capital
expenditures during 2005 will be approximately $68 million.

     TIMET periodically evaluates its liquidity requirements,  capital needs and
availability of resources in view of, among other things,  its alternative  uses
of capital, debt service requirements,  the cost of debt and equity capital, and
estimated future operating cash flows. As a result of this process, TIMET has in
the past,  or in light of its current  outlook,  may in the future seek to raise
additional   capital,   modify  its  common  and  preferred  dividend  policies,
restructure ownership interests,  incur, refinance or restructure  indebtedness,
repurchase  shares of capital stock or debt securities,  sell assets,  or take a
combination of such steps or other steps to increase or manage its liquidity and
capital  resources.  In the  normal  course  of  business,  TIMET  investigates,
evaluates,  discusses  and  engages in  acquisition,  joint  venture,  strategic
relationship  and other  business  combination  opportunities  in the  titanium,
specialty metal and other industries.  In the event of any future acquisition or
joint venture opportunities,  TIMET may consider using then-available liquidity,
issuing equity securities or incurring additional indebtedness.

Tremont LLC

     See Note 13 to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for certain  legal
proceedings and environmental matters with respect to Tremont.

General corporate - Valhi

     Because Valhi's operations are conducted primarily through its subsidiaries
and  affiliates,  Valhi's  long-term  ability to meet its parent  company  level
corporate  obligations is dependent in large measure on the receipt of dividends
or other  distributions from its subsidiaries and affiliates.  In February 2004,
Kronos announced it would pay its first regular  quarterly cash dividend of $.25
per share.  At that rate, and based on the 27.8 million shares of Kronos held by
Valhi at March 31, 2005,  Valhi would receive  aggregate  annual  dividends from
Kronos of $27.8 million.  NL, which paid its 2004 regular quarterly dividends of
$.20 per share in the form of shares of Kronos  common  stock.  NL increased its
regular quarterly dividend in the first quarter of 2005 to $.25 per share, which
also was in the form of shares of Kronos  common  stock.  The  Company  does not
currently  expect to receive any  distributions  from Waste Control  Specialists
during 2005. CompX  dividends,  which resumed in the fourth quarter of 2004, are
paid to NL.

     Various credit  agreements to which certain  subsidiaries or affiliates are
parties contain customary  limitations on the payment of dividends,  typically a
percentage of net income or cash flow;  however,  such  restrictions in the past
have not  significantly  impacted  Valhi's ability to service its parent company
level obligations.  Valhi generally does not guarantee any indebtedness or other
obligations of its subsidiaries or affiliates. To the extent that one or more of
Valhi's  subsidiaries  were to become  unable to maintain  its current  level of
dividends,  either due to restrictions contained in the applicable  subsidiary's
credit  agreements or otherwise,  Valhi parent company's  liquidity could become
adversely  impacted.  In  such  an  event,  Valhi  might  consider  reducing  or
eliminating its dividends or selling interests in subsidiaries or other assets.

     Waste  Control   Specialists  is  required  to  provide  certain  financial
assurance to a Texas government  agency with respect to certain  decommissioning
obligations  related to its facility in West Texas. Such financial assurance may
be provided by various means,  including a parent company guarantee assuming the
parent meets specified financial tests. In March 2005, Valhi agreed to guarantee
certain  specified  decommissioning  obligations  of Waste Control  Specialists,
currently  estimated by Waste Control  Specialists at  approximately $2 million.
Such  obligations  would  arise  only upon a closure of the  facility  and Waste
Control  Specialists'  failure to perform such activities.  The Company does not
currently  expect  that it will have to  perform  under such  guarantee  for the
foreseeable future.

     In March 2005, the Company's  board of directors  authorized the repurchase
of up to 5.0 million shares of Valhi's common stock in open market transactions,
including block purchases,  or in privately negotiated  transactions,  which may
include  transactions  with affiliates of Valhi. The stock may be purchased from
time to time as market conditions  permit. The stock repurchase program does not
include  specific  price targets or timetables and may be suspended at any time.
Depending  on  market  conditions,  the  program  could be  terminated  prior to
completion.  The  Company  will  use its  cash on hand to  acquire  the  shares.
Repurchased  shares  will be retired  and  cancelled  or may be added to Valhi's
treasury and used for  employee  benefit  plans,  future  acquisitions  or other
corporate  purposes.  On April 1, 2005, the Company purchased 2.0 million shares
of its common  stock,  at a discount  to the  then-current  market  price,  from
Contran for $17.50 per share or an aggregate  purchase  price of $35.0  million.
Such  shares  were  purchased  under  the  stock  repurchase  program.   Valhi's
independent directors approved such purchase.  The Company has also purchased an
additional  254,000 shares of its common stock under the  repurchase  program in
April 2005 for an aggregate of $5.0 million.

     At March 31,  2005,  Valhi had $73.6  million of parent level cash and cash
equivalents  and had no amounts  outstanding  under its  revolving  bank  credit
agreement. In addition,  Valhi had $97.1 million of borrowing availability under
its  revolving  bank credit  facility,  and Valhi had $5.9 million in short-term
demand loans to Contran.

     The terms of The Amalgamated  Sugar Company LLC Company  Agreement  provide
for annual "base level" of cash dividend distributions (sometimes referred to as
distributable  cash) by the LLC of $26.7  million,  from  which the  Company  is
entitled to a 95% preferential share.  Distributions from the LLC are dependent,
in  part,  upon  the  operations  of  the  LLC.  The  Company  records  dividend
distributions  from the LLC as income  upon  receipt,  which  occurs in the same
month  in  which  they  are  declared  by the  LLC.  To  the  extent  the  LLC's
distributable  cash is below this base level in any given  year,  the Company is
entitled  to an  additional  95%  preferential  share of any  future  annual LLC
distributable  cash  in  excess  of the  base  level  until  such  shortfall  is
recovered.  Based on the LLC's current  projections  for 2005,  Valhi  currently
expects that  distributions  received from the LLC in 2005 will  approximate its
debt service  requirements  under its $250 million  loans from Snake River Sugar

     Certain covenants  contained in Snake River's third-party senior debt allow
Snake  River in  certain  circumstances  to pay  periodic  installments  of debt
service  payments  (principal  and  interest)  under Valhi's $80 million loan to
Snake River prior to its current  scheduled  maturity in 2007,  and such loan is
subordinated  to Snake River's  third-party  senior debt. At March 31, 2005, the
accrued and unpaid  interest on the $80 million  loan to Snake River  aggregated
$39.6  million and is classified as a noncurrent  asset.  The Company  currently
believes it will ultimately  realize both the $80 million  principal  amount and
the accrued and unpaid interest,  whether through cash generated from the future
operations of Snake River and the LLC or otherwise (including any liquidation of
Snake River or the LLC). Following the currently scheduled complete repayment of
Snake  River's  third-party  senior debt in April 2007,  Valhi  believes it will
receive significant debt service payments on its loan to Snake River as the cash
flows that Snake River  previously would have been using to fund debt service on
its third-party  senior debt ($10.0 million of scheduled payments in 2005), plus
other cash  resources at Snake River would then become  available,  and would be
required, to be used to fund debt service payments on its loan from Valhi. Prior
to the  repayment of the  third-party  senior debt,  Snake River might also make
debt service payments to Valhi, if permitted by the terms of the senior debt, or
if Snake River would refinance with a third party all or a portion of the amount
it owes to Valhi under such $80 million loan.

     The Company  may, at its  option,  require the LLC to redeem the  Company's
interest in the LLC  beginning in 2010,  and the LLC has the right to redeem the
Company's  interest  in the LLC  beginning  in  2027.  The  redemption  price is
generally $250 million plus the amount of certain undistributed income allocable
to the  Company.  In the  event  the  Company  requires  the LLC to  redeem  the
Company's  interest  in the LLC,  Snake  River has the right to  accelerate  the
maturity of and call Valhi's $250 million loans from Snake River.  Redemption of
the Company's  interest in the LLC would result in the Company  reporting income
related to the disposition of its LLC interest for income tax purposes, although
the Company  would not be expected  to report a gain in earnings  for  financial
reporting  purposes at the time its LLC  interest is redeemed  (as  discussed in
Note 1 to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements).  However,  because of Snake
River's  ability to call its $250 million loans to Valhi upon  redemption of the
Company's  interest in the LLC, the net cash  proceeds  (after  repayment of the
debt) generated by redemption of the Company's interest in the LLC could be less
than the income taxes that would become payable as a result of the disposition.

     The Company routinely  compares its liquidity  requirements and alternative
uses of capital against the estimated  future cash flows to be received from its
subsidiaries,  and the estimated sales value of those units. As a result of this
process,  the  Company  has in the  past  and may in the  future  seek to  raise
additional   capital,   refinance  or   restructure   indebtedness,   repurchase
indebtedness in the market or otherwise,  modify its dividend policies, consider
the sale of interests in subsidiaries,  affiliates,  business units,  marketable
securities or other assets,  or take a combination of such steps or other steps,
to increase  liquidity,  reduce  indebtedness and fund future  activities.  Such
activities have in the past and may in the future involve related companies.

     The  Company  and  related  entities  routinely  evaluate  acquisitions  of
interests in, or combinations  with,  companies,  including  related  companies,
perceived by management to be undervalued in the  marketplace.  These  companies
may or may  not be  engaged  in  businesses  related  to the  Company's  current
businesses.  The Company intends to consider such acquisition  activities in the
future and, in connection with this activity,  may consider  issuing  additional
equity   securities  and  increasing  the  indebtedness  of  the  Company,   its
subsidiaries and related  companies.  From time to time, the Company and related
entities  also evaluate the  restructuring  of ownership  interests  among their
respective subsidiaries and related companies.

Non-GAAP financial measures

     In an effort to provide investors with additional information regarding the
Company's results of operations as determined by GAAP, the Company has disclosed
certain  non-GAAP   information  which  the  Company  believes  provides  useful
information to investors:

     o    The  Company  discloses  percentage  changes in Kronos'  average  TiO2
          selling  prices in billing  currencies,  which excludes the effects of
          foreign currency translation.  The Company believes disclosure of such
          percentage  changes allows  investors to analyze such changes  without
          the  impact of changes in foreign  currency  exchange  rates,  thereby
          facilitating  period-to-period  comparisons of the relative changes in
          average  selling  prices in the  actual  various  billing  currencies.
          Generally,  when the U.S. dollar either strengthens or weakens against
          other  currencies,  the percentage change in average selling prices in
          billing  currencies will be higher or lower,  respectively,  than such
          percentage  changes would be using actual  exchange  rates  prevailing
          during the respective periods.


     Restatement.   As  disclosed  in  Note  1  to  the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements,  the  Company  and its audit  committee  concluded  to  restate  the
Company's  consolidated  financial  statements as of December 31, 2004 and March
31, 2005, and for the interim periods ended March 31, 2004 and 2005.

     The  guidance set forth in Auditing  Standard  No. 2 of the Public  Company
Accounting  Oversight  Board  states  that a  restatement  of  previously-issued
financial  statements  to reflect the  correction  of a  misstatement  should be
regarded as at least a significant  control deficiency and as a strong indicator
that a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting exists. As
a result of this restatement, the Company has concluded that a material weakness
existed at December 31, 2004 and March 31, 2005.

     Management's  Consideration of the Restatement.In  coming to the conclusion
that the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures were not effective as of
March 31, 2005,  management also considered the restatement  discussed in Note 1
to the Consolidated Financial Statements related to the Company's accounting for
its investment in The Amalgamated  Sugar Company LLC and the guidance  contained
in the SEC's Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. 99,  Materiality,  paragraphs
36 and 37 of Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion ("APBO") No. 20 and paragraph
29 of APBO No. 28.  The  Company  also  considered,  by  analogy,  the  guidance
contained  in the SEC's SAB Topic  5-F,  Accounting  Changes  Not  Retroactively
Applied Due to  Immateriality.  Because (i) the restatement  adjustments did not
have a material  impact to the  financial  statements of prior interim or annual
periods  presented,  taken  as a  whole,  (ii)  the  impact  of the  restatement
adjustments  did  not  have a  material  impact  on the  Company's  consolidated
stockholders'  equity as of any prior  interim or annual  period  presented  and
(iii)  the  Company  decided  to  restate  its  previously-issued   consolidated
financial  statements  in part  because the impact of the  adjustment  which the
Company  concluded  should have been  reported as part of 1997's net income,  if
recorded in net income in the period in which the adjustment became known, would
have been material to such interim period's  reported net income,  management of
the Company  concluded  that this  control  deficiency,  individually  or in the
aggregate when considered with other control deficiencies, does not constitute a
material weakness in internal control over financial reporting.

     Evaluation of Disclosure  Controls and Procedures.  The Company maintains a
system of disclosure controls and procedures.  The term "disclosure controls and
procedures,"  as defined by  regulations  of the SEC,  means  controls and other
procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed
in the reports that the Company files or submits to the SEC under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), is recorded, processed, summarized
and  reported,  within the time periods  specified in the SEC's rules and forms.
Disclosure  controls and procedures include,  without  limitation,  controls and
procedures  designed to ensure that information  required to be disclosed by the
Company  in the  reports  that it files or  submits  to the SEC under the Act is
accumulated  and  communicated  to  the  Company's  management,   including  its
principal  executive  officer and its principal  financial  officer,  or persons
performing  similar  functions,  as appropriate to allow timely  decisions to be
made  regarding  required  disclosure.  Each of Steven L. Watson,  the Company's
President and Chief Executive Officer,  and Bobby D. O'Brien, the Company's Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer,  have evaluated the Company's  disclosure
controls and procedures as of March 31, 2005. Based upon their  evaluation,  and
as a result of the material weakness  discussed below,  these executive officers
have  concluded  that the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures are not
effective as of the date of such evaluation.

     A material  weakness is a control  deficiency,  or a combination of control
deficiencies,  that  results  in more than a remote  likelihood  that a material
misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented
or  detected.  As of March 31,  2005,  the  Company did not  maintain  effective
controls over the accounting for income taxes,  including the  determination and
reporting of income taxes payable to affiliates,  deferred income tax assets and
liabilities,  deferred income tax asset valuation  allowance,  and the provision
for income taxes. Specifically, the Company did not have adequate personnel with
sufficient knowledge of income tax accounting and reporting.  Additionally,  the
Company did not maintain  effective  controls over the review and  monitoring of
the accuracy,  completeness  and  valuation of the  components of the income tax
provision and related  deferred income taxes as well as the income taxes payable
to  affiliates  resulting  in errors in (i) the  accounting  for the  income tax
effect of the  difference  between  book and income  tax basis of the  Company's
investment  in  Kronos  Worldwide,  Inc.,  a  majority-owned  subsidiary  of the
Company,  (ii) current  income  taxes  related to  distributions  or transfer of
Kronos common stock made by NL Industries,  Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of
the Company,  to NL's  stockholders  and (iii) current and deferred income taxes
related to other  items,  that were not  prevented  or  detected.  This  control
deficiency  resulted in the  restatement  of the Company's  2002,  2003 and 2004
consolidated   financial   statements  and  2004  and  2005  interim   financial
information.   Additionally,   this  control   deficiency   could  result  in  a
misstatement  of income taxes payable to affiliates,  deferred income tax assets
and  liabilities,  deferred  income  tax  asset  valuation  allowance,  and  the
provision for income taxes that would result in a material  misstatement  to the
Company's annual or interim consolidated  financial statements that would not be
prevented or detected.  Accordingly,  management of the Company  determined that
this control deficiency constitutes a material weakness.

     Remediation.In  order to  remediate  this  material  weakness,  the Company
intends to increase its financial  reporting staff, with particular  emphasis on
obtaining  additional  personnel  with a background in the  financial  reporting
requirements  for  the  determination  of the  provision  for  income  taxes  in
accordance with SFAS No. 109 and related GAAP.  Such  additional  staff could be
employees of the Company  and/or  independent  contractors  hired by the Company
with  qualifications  in the required  area.  As of December 23, 2005,  two such
persons  have been hired.  Management  believes  that the addition of such staff
will help ensure that GAAP has been  appropriately  applied  with respect to the
calculation and classification  within the consolidated  financial statements of
income tax provisions and related current and deferred income tax accounts.

     Changes in Internal  Control Over  Financial  Reporting.  There has been no
change to the Company's  internal  control over financial  reporting  during the
quarter  ended March 31, 2005 that has  materially  affected,  or is  reasonably
likely to materially  affect,  the  Company's  internal  control over  financial

                               Part II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings.

     Reference is made to Note 13 to the Consolidated  Financial  Statements and
to the 2004 Annual Report for descriptions of certain legal proceedings.

     Smith,  et al. v. Lead  Industries  Association,  et al. (Circuit Court for
Baltimore City, Maryland, Case No. 24-C-99-004490).  In April 2005, the court of
appeals vacated the decision of the intermediate  appellate court,  stating that
such court should not have  accepted  the appeal,  and remanded the case back to
the trial court for further proceedings.

     Lewis, et al. v. Lead Industries Association, et al. (Circuit Court of Cook
County, Illinois, County Department,  Chancery Division, Case No. 00CH09800). In
March 2005, the plaintiffs appealed the trial court's dismissal of the case.

     Barker, et al. v. The  Sherwin-Williams  Company,  et al. (Circuit Court of
Jefferson County, Mississippi,  Civil Action No. 2000-587, and formerly known as
Borden, et al. vs. The  Sherwin-Williams  Company,  et al.). With respect to the
seven  plaintiffs  remaining  in  Jefferson  County,  five of  these  plaintiffs
voluntarily dismissed their claims without prejudice in March 2005.

     Houston Independent School District v. Lead Industries Association,  et al.
(District Court of Harris County,  Texas,  No.  2000-33725).  In March 2005, the
plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the case without prejudice.

     City of Chicago v. American Cyanamid, et al. (Circuit Court of Cook County,
Illinois, No. 02CH16212).  In February 2005, the plaintiff filed a petition with
the Illinois  Supreme Court seeking  review of the  appellate  court's  decision
affirming the dismissal of the case.

Item 2.    Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds; Share

     In March 2005, the Company's  board of directors  authorized the repurchase
of up to 5.0 million shares of Valhi's common stock in open market transactions,
including block purchases,  or in privately negotiated  transactions,  which may
include  transactions  with affiliates of Valhi. The stock may be purchased from
time to time as market conditions  permit. The stock repurchase program does not
include  specific  price targets or timetables and may be suspended at any time.
Depending  on  market  conditions,  the  program  could be  terminated  prior to
completion.  The  Company  will  use its  cash on hand to  acquire  the  shares.
Repurchased  shares  will be retired  and  cancelled  or may be added to Valhi's
treasury and used for  employee  benefit  plans,  future  acquisitions  or other
corporate purposes. There were no shares repurchased by Valhi during the quarter
covered by this Quarterly Report. See also Note 17 to the Consolidated Financial

Item 6. Exhibits.

               31.1   -    Certification

               31.2   -    Certification

               32.1   -    Certification.

     The Company  has  retained a signed  original of any of the above  exhibits
that  contains  signatures,  and the Company  will  provide  such exhibit to the
Commission or its staff upon request. Valhi will also furnish, without charge, a
copy of its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, its Audit Committee Charter and
its Corporate Governance  Guidelines,  each as adopted by the Company's board of
directors,  upon request.  Such requests  should be directed to the attention of
Valhi's  Corporate  Secretary at Valhi's  corporate  offices located at 5430 LBJ
Freeway, Suite 1700, Dallas, Texas 75240.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              VALHI, INC.

Date   December 23, 2005           By /s/ Bobby D. O'Brien
                                      Bobby D. O'Brien
                                      Vice President and Chief Financial
                                      (Principal Financial Officer)

Date   December 23, 2005           By /s/ Gregory M. Swalwell
                                      Gregory M. Swalwell
                                      Vice President and Controller
                                      (Principal Accounting Officer)

                                                                   Exhibit 31.1

I, Steven L. Watson,  the President and Chief Executive Officer of Valhi,  Inc.,
certify that:

1)   I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A of Valhi, Inc.;

2)   Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of
     a material  fact or omit to state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
     statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements
     were made,  not  misleading  with  respect  to the  period  covered by this

3)   Based on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
     information  included  in  this  report,  fairly  present  in all  material
     respects the financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of
     the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4)   The  registrant's  other  certifying  officer  and  I are  responsible  for
     establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined
     in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e))  and internal  control over
     financial  reporting  (as  defined  in  Exchange  Act Rules  13a-15(f)  and
     15d-15(f)) for the registrant and we have:

     a)   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b)   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c)   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d)   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

5)   The registrant's  other certifying  officer and I have disclosed,  based on
     our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to
     the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board of
     directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

     a)   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b)   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

Date: December 23, 2005

/s/ Steven L. Watson
Steven L. Watson
President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                 Exhibit 31.2

I, Bobby D. O'Brien,  the Vice President,  Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
of Valhi, Inc., certify that:

1)   I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A of Valhi, Inc.;

2)   Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of
     a material  fact or omit to state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
     statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements
     were made,  not  misleading  with  respect  to the  period  covered by this

3)   Based on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
     information  included  in  this  report,  fairly  present  in all  material
     respects the financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of
     the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4)   The  registrant's  other  certifying  officer  and  I are  responsible  for
     establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined
     in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e))  and internal  control over
     financial  reporting  (as  defined  in  Exchange  Act Rules  13a-15(f)  and
     15d-15(f)) for the registrant and we have:

     a)   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b)   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c)   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d)   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

5)   The registrant's  other certifying  officer and I have disclosed,  based on
     our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to
     the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board of
     directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

a)   All  significant  deficiencies  and  material  weaknesses  in the design or
     operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably
     likely to adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to record,  process,
     summarize and report financial information; and

b)   Any fraud,  whether or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
     employees who have a significant role in the registrant's  internal control
     over financial reporting.

Date: December 23, 2005

/s/Bobby D. O'Brien
Bobby D. O'Brien
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

                                                                Exhibit 32.1

                            CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                             18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,
                             AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO
                  SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

In connection with the Quarterly  Report of Valhi,  Inc. (the "Company") on Form
10-Q/A for the quarter  ended March 31,  2005 as filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  on the date hereof (the  "Report"),  we, Steven L. Watson,
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and Bobby D. O'Brien, Vice
President,  Chief  Financial  Officer and  Treasurer  of the  Company,  certify,
pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  Section 1350,  as adopted  pursuant to Section 906 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (1) The Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of Section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (2)  The  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and result of  operations of the

/s/  Steven L. Watson                        /s/  Bobby D. O'Brien
Steven L. Watson                             Bobby D. O'Brien
President and Chief Executive Officer        Vice President and Chief Financial
December 23, 2005                             Officer
                                             December 23, 2005

Note: The certification  the registrant  furnishes in this exhibit is not deemed
"filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as
amended,  or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that Section.  Registration
Statements or other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
shall not incorporate this exhibit by reference,  except as otherwise  expressly
stated in such filing.